Monday, January 16, 2017

Indology schmology

This has to be one of the jewels in the lotus on the Internet. It exposes, among other things, the fabricated history of India and how it has been systematically re-written, altered and corrupted by European Historians, mostly British and German Christians. This false 'knowledge' is taught in educational institutions around the world to this day and is only now being challenged thanks largely to the internet spreading this exposure. Racist Eurocentric White Supremacist Indologists - they even created a whole new branch of 'science' to deal with the task - have moved forward the dates of the Vedas by centuries, sometimes millenia, so that they post-date the Biblical Flood in an attempt to maintain their superior roost on the Perch of Spiritual Hierarchy. Not only do they mess with the ancient Sanskrit texts  they also misinterpret them and change what they say – spectacularly capping that off with the whole meaning being lost in translation.

Kama Sutra - a sex manual, right? That's exactly what they would have you believe. Nothing could be further from the truth. It's actually about how to NOT achieve orgasm. Instead it describes in detail, complete with illustrations (I know what you're thinking!) how to develop higher spiritual awareness using the yogic technique of avoiding temptation to raise the kundalini up through the chakras by not succumbing to the urge to gratify the senses. Tantra Yoga or something (don't know much about it). So these "expert" Indologists twist the meaning and make it look like some sort of perverted orgiastic ritual. Far from it!

Oh, let's not forget yogis flying around on magic carpets, snake charmers playing their pungis (an oboe-like wind instrument) and the famous Indian Rope Trick where a rope is magically made to rise up vertically, the Magi's assistant then to climb up it and subsequently disappear into the heavens. Harems, hookahs and hashish! And don't forget that the idiot Hindus are all vegetarians! And they worship inanimate stone statues as being God! Fools and idolaters! Superstitious morons! Their Gods are really Satan in disguise!  We'll show them who is superior - us with our One and Only True God!

I may sound irreverent, having a go at Chritianity. I'm not. I'm criticising the Eurocentric Christian White Supremacists, otherwise known as Historians, who blasphemously create a false account of India and its history because it challenges their dubious religious superiority.

As with everything on the net, please read it with due skepticism. Skepticism is a good thing, a mark of intelligence where gullibility will falter. And of course I don't endorse all of the views expressed by all of the authors on this or any other blog. I hope you enjoy your reading.

Quincunctial map of Earth. (Notice Antarctica cut up into 4 quarters in the corners.)

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