Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Gayyag mirrorage

Farceboof doesn't hide 3/4 of a worded post, so here it is in photo format so you have no excuse for not reading it. (#Qanda topic: Gay Mirage Plebiscite)
I was surfing telly late last night and found ABC1's Q&A was milking the "gay marriage" plebiscite theme. Everyone knows that THAT program is STACKED for a preset biased outcome. Anyone who opposes "CONSENSUS" (consensus being a 'loaded word', meaning not only the majority of agreed opinion but also what the Government want you to believe) with contrary views is only on this show to be used as a punching bag. They are neither given balanced representation on the panel, nor the numbers in the audience to cheer them on, only a consensus majority to boo them down.
This show isn't a debate, it's a show of hands. A show masquerading as a debate. An organised propaganda campaign. If you watch this show expecting to see a fair exchange of ideas you are going to be seriously disappointed. I used quotation marks for "gay marriage" to represent gayyag mirrorage because it is an oxymoron.
Please understand that I support full legal status for whatever gender Civil Unions, Betrothals, Weddings, etc. and that I speak English and know what the word marriage means. There can never be such a thing as "gay marriage" because it is an oxymoron, like an "honest liar" or a "cruel pacifist". The etymology of marriage indicates two people of either gender. If you study the linguistic roots of the word 'marriage' this will become quite clear. To get it to refer to a bi-gender union - and, for that matter, union between two hermaphrodites or even transvestites - you have to twist its meaning somewhat - for instance, like 'phobia' now means disapproval instead of fear, as in 'homophobia'. But I can honestly say that some butch lesbians and some limp fops scare the shit out of me.
As soon as I saw that lava flow aka Magma Shebangszki and learnt she was going to speak about gayyag mirrorage I felt sick and couldn't find the channel button fast enough. Let me make this quite clear - I have no idea why she was ever in comedy. She is one of the unfunniest people ever on television and I certainly don't consider her a comedienne or, to be absurdly politically correct, a comedian. I don't hate homosexuals, and "some of my best friends are gay", but do I want to hear her views on why anyone, male or female, should be allowed to 'marry' her? What a travesty of justice that life sentence would be! (that's a joke, peoples...) 
Bigot, n. One who holds irrespective of reason, & attaches disproportionate weight to, some creed or point of view [16th cent. from French; origin unknown] Oxford English Dictionary.  
And let's clear one thing up: being opposed to same-sex "marriage" does not make you a bigot. It means that you  hold an opinion that some people don't like. They don't question their right to not like your opinion yet they think you don't have a right to be contrary. NOW, spot the bigot! 

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Folklore Pre-dates History

Attempts (lies) by Europeans to Compile (fabricate) the History of the World vs Folklore of Ancient Civilisations; which is closer to the Truth?

Have you ever wondered why folklore and 'scientific' history are so at loggerheads? Why it is that traditional knowledge passed on by Elders and held as sacred is written off as 'mythology' and disregarded as inherently 'unscientific'? Because it challenges the Modern Christian View – that until the "Advent of Our Lord Jesus Christ", all humans were 'hopelessly drifting in an ignorant world of chaos devoid of sophistication and spiritual meaning'. Nothing could be further from the truth! People were much more tuned-in prior to 5,000 years ago, or at least 'in harmony with nature'.

To get a perspective of the difference between accounts we must compare the folklore handed down through generations with modern observations by outsiders who are completely removed from any first-hand experience – a prerequisite known as 'independent objective analysis', deemed as compulsory by Western 'experts' in any valid assessment.

Several cultures have histories that go so far back that their origins cannot be traced or determined, making them for want of a better word 'pre-historic'. India and China and to some extent Egypt and Meso-America have no known beginning, at least according to outside observers. Yet these and many other Ancient Civilisations, cultures and tribes have their own version of history at odds with the so-called 'experts'. Some do not put an exact figure to it, in that the origins are so lost in time that it is pointless to even try to callibrate dates. Others are more precise, using age-old complex calenders to record the passing of Time.

White Christian Europeans proselytise a version of history that fits in neatly with the Biblical account of The Flood ie 4,000 years ago, even to the point where non-Creationist Evolution theories are almost secretly tolerated because they aid in denying the concept of intelligent, civilised peoples inhabiting the Earth long before and independently of the Coming of Jesus - merely as a bunch of primitive, ape-like subhumans grunting and behaving like animals, incapable of higher thought.

Actually, these lost-in-time modern nations still survive today by virtue of their innate moral refinement, developed social structure, and highly advanced survival skills - the most important technical advancement necessary to thrive. Technology has up until now been unimportant, simply because it wasn't needed for survival, and actually made life unnecessarily complicated, being largely at the expense of Mother Nature.

Many 'facts' are misunderstood by modern historians. Take writing, for example. Older cultures are painted as being undeveloped, dumb cavemen hardly capable of anything requiring such expertise as language let alone calligraphy. Yet these Ancient Civilisations all attest to not needing to write anything down, as their highly developed memory removed any need of such tiresome practices as recording in writing pictograms, hieroglyphics, calligraphy, etc. Only due to the deterioration of memory (a symptom of Kali-Yuga as the Hindus call it, beginning c. 3012 BC) did writing etc simultaneously emerge all over the globe in many remote cultures independently around the same time, ie the last couple of thousand years. Strange thing, that. Progress - my foot!  

It is not unreasonable from this perspective to say that the Human Race is actually devolving, systematically jeopardising our own survival by bit by bit destroying the very substance of our existance - Planet Earth - all in the name of 'Progress'! Up until the Industrial Revolution of the Middle Ages, every corner of the globe was relatively safe from wanton 'development'. With colonisation by White Christian Europeans of each and every yet unexploited nook and cranny of the Third World, came genocide of the indigenous population, rape of the countyside and mass extinction of multitudes of species, irreversibly altering the face of the Earth forever.

Progress it certainly ain't. The intellectual elite responsible is preoccupied with sensual pleasures, all at the cost of natural instinct. In fact these 'refined' barbarians are so twisted that they try to pretend that it is the only way 'forward' when we smarter folk know that getting back to our roots is the only key for a meaningful existence and successful survival. Far from being a regression, it is a necessity in terms of Quality Of Life.

Take for example, 2012 of the Mayan Calendar. Anyone in the know was aware that this date represents the beginning of a new calendar cycle upon the completion of the outgoing measurement cycle. Yet this was widely publicised by Western propagandists, in an attempt to discredit the Ancient Civilisations, falsely as a 'Doomsday Event', thereby inviting mockery in its inevitable failure to materialise due to it being a complete falsification.

Or, take the Boden Chair, Oxford University, 1832. It was created to 'translate' (with alteration; to weaken and discredit) the Vedas into English with the sole purpose of converting Hindus into Christians. To this day Monier Monier-Williams is regarded by Western Scholars as the most influential in the formation of the Sanskrit-to-English dictionary. Yet its inception was maligned right from the very beginning. Who knows how much has been meddled with, deliberately lost - even the 'original' Devanagari script may have been tampered with! There is one classic questionable incidence in the Garuda Purana where it supposedly 'says', "Two things improve with beating - a drum, and a woman". I kid you not. This is decidedly 'un-Vedic', totally against the tone of the vast body of work, the Veda.

There is much controversy as to the dating of the Vedas, conveniently  contrived by Western scholars to be post-Flood, contrary to indications and references contained within the texts. There are astronomical constellations and transits, configurations, etc mentioned throughout, that over and over again place the dates many thousands of years earlier than The Flood. Yet these twisted Christians won't allow it. Ask the indigenous Hindus, and they will all tell you that The Veda are anywhere from 4-6,000 BC to 10,000 even 20,000 BC, not 1500 BC!

As for the Chinese - well, good luck with that, especially considering their record for censoring sensitive information from public scrutiny. Even if they had a solid handle on their history, it's unlikely they would make it available for scholarly disection. All those dynasties, Ming, Tang, whatever, dates are a bit muddled, but we get the general picture - prebiblical, same as the Indian dynasties well recorded in detail as far as names of families go, just not so hot on the dates due to conflicting use of different calendars.

End of Part 1.

Part 2: Giants, Ogres, Fairies and other Little Folk 

(to be continued...) 

Tuesday, March 01, 2016

The Mediocre Thud

       Atheistic scientists have proposed that Life in the "Accidental" World may have come from Matter originating from a Weird Sort of Nothingness that accidentally happened through no particular Cause. This "Something coming from Nothing" is referred to in scientific circles as The Big Bang, The Mediocre Thud, or The Pathetic Little Kafoof, depending on one's bent. It supposedly only became something by mistake and actually has no Purpose or Meaning. Different Bits of Stuff (that came from Nothing) reacted to and with each other, mixed together and formed the first Things. These particles vibrated and rubbed against each other, as random events kept on affecting each other to make even more complex Higher Thingy Stuff that showed the first evidence of Patterns and Swirly Lines, eventually forming various recognisable Shapes and early brainless Blobforms.  
But amazingly, rather than everything becoming a totally chaotic mess, some of these combinations occasionally produced spectacular flukes and wonderful surprises - the peculiar offshoots of chance phenomena that we now call Nature. All this just from some sort of haphazard pot-pourri of Nothingness and Stuff!
And what's more, because Life is an Accident and therefore has no Purpose or Meaning, there is nothing particularly meaningful in Philosophy, Morals, Ethics, Belief Systems, Religion or Spirituality.
Thus, these so-called 'intelligent' scientists theorise that we are all nothing but insignificant hapless Beings, wandering aimlessly through a Pointless Accidental World that has Spontaneously arisen, without Cause, Meaning or Purpose, from Random Chaos.
Well, now you know why I don't blindly trust Science!

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Is the "invasive species" concept flawed?

For more on why the "invasive species" concept is flawed, you might like to read or or even do some of your own research. It is no surprise that it comes down to lost revenue, not spirituality at all. Meanwhile...

Timeline of Introduced Species in Australia.
Firstly, I must preface this with a vital piece of information to put this in context - not accepted as truth by everybody, but indisposable for the sake of the argument - that the self-realised sage sees the soul in all living creatures as equal, being a small fragment of the Supreme Being, pure in quality. Christians argue that animals don't have souls, but Christians in this instance are limited by a poor fund of knowledge due to portions of the Bible being removed (it is the only main religion on Earth without a doctrine of transmigration of the soul - although some unorthodox sects embrace metempsychosis). Technically, the amount of sin in killing any form of life is proportionate to the degree of suffering inflicted. Lower lifeforms have less developed central nervous systems and don't feel as much pain as higher forms that scream, wail, and whimper.

Circa 40,000 to 120,000 years ago tribes from South East Asia migrate. Compare ancient tribe of Sri Lankan Veddhas (photo);
c. 4,600 to 5,400 years ago, futher migration introduces the dingo;
c. 230 years ago, Europeans are introduced, and bring with them horses (brumbies) and pigs (now feral);
c. 175 years ago, foxes, camels, cats, water buffalo, goats, rabbits;
c. 80 years ago,  cane toads, ten-pound poms, Marvel comics Superheroes.

Blackberries, prickly pear, thistles, mice and rats, bamboo, fennel, wild parsley, pine trees, various birds, fish, insects (European bees and fleas, dung beetle, Monarch butterflies), germs,  viruses and other foreign diseases; the list goes on and on. Most are here to stay,  because Mother Nature allows it. Interfering humans think they know better and try to play God in a kind of xenophobic war on non-indigenous invaders, as if declaring that the only truly blue-blooded royalty in Australia is... native.

(The information is not so much my ideas but rather what I've gleaned from authoritive literature, mostly scripture. It is pointless to enter debate with atheistic greenies who have no faith in Mother Nature. She isn't absent from her duties, it's just that we cannot comprehend Her workings.)

Interestingly, any species is by dictionary definition *native by virtue of taking birth in a particular land (Latin nativus: produced by birth). Therefore it is correct to say I am a native of Australia because I was born here. Similar definitions apply for indigenous (from *gene: give birth and *indi = in), but the distinctions become blurry with *autochthonous: from the land, *aboriginal: from the beginning, and *endemic: from demos = place, people, limited to and naturally occurring with a unique place or people.

Clearly the distinction is dependent on the time factor and often infers exclusivity. Sometimes it is impossible to pinpoint. For instance, curry is considered to be the "Traditional Cuisine" of India. Ok, so go and make a curry without using recently introduced foods such as chili pepper, tomato, potato, pumpkin, capsicum etc all of which came from the Americas, brought in by the Portuguese and Spanish a couple of centuries ago. Before then, black pepper, long pepper and various other spices such as ginger and mustard seeds gave curry its 'heat'; consequently it was much milder then than what we now know as 'hot' curry. So how long does a dish have to be eaten in a country or region for it to be classified as Traditional Cuisine? How long do you have to live in an area to be called a Local?

Lack of diversity is the only way any particular species becomes invasive because of the absence of its natural predator. In England, rabbits eat the tender shoots of young bramble bushes (blackberry), thus keeping them in check so that they never develop weed status. The rabbits are in turn kept in check by its natural predator, the fox. Foxes' natural predators are the automobile and Internet spam (I had to put a joke in there somewhere). The time has long since passed where geographically isolated continents were exclusive havens for endemic species. The natural course will eventually see most species inhabiting most continents as much as Mother Nature sees fit. She decides who can live where. There are no rabbits in Antarctica. There are no penguins in Hawaii. There are no polar bears in New Zealand and there will probably never be sharks in the Sahara Desert. If wild pigs and camels can survive in the outback, and feral dogs and cats are now doing what the dingo and Tasmanian Tiger did centuries ago, it is Nature taking its course. Just because we don't understand why Mother Nature would allow cane toads to devastate Northern Australia doesn't mean we know better and have to kill them all (fun fact: Meat ants are unaffected by the cane toads' toxins, and therefore are able to kill them. The cane toad's normal response to attack is to stand still and let their toxin kill the attacker, which allows the ants to attack and eat the toad). Every living thing on Earth is another's breakfast. Any species capable of survival has as much right to live as any other once it has taken birth. Personally I don't like pine trees, but somehow they must have their place here, or they wouldn't grow. See, Mother Nature isn't xenophobic at all, and our present-day bias towards what 'belongs' is only due to our narrow perspective based on recent history. Growth encompasses change.

Trying to keep things the way they are is madness.

Monday, February 01, 2016

The Triantiwontigongolope

The Triantiwontigongolope (the true story) Didus thylacinus

Contrary to popular belief, The Triantiwontigongolope was written by John Lennon and not Darles Chickens or even DJ Cennis. It tells the story of the now extinct creature, a cross between the Dodo and the Tasmanian Tiger, back in the time of Jesus.
It is a total myth that the Romans would throw Christafarians to the lions as a sport in large arenas. There were of course no lions in Rome (lions are only found in Africa) and it was in fact the fabled Triantiwontigongolope that massacred the poor victims of the Romans' gruesome appetites. They would tie up the victims' feet so they couldn't run away, then hurl them into the pit after they were coated in vegemite and hundreds and thousands.
The Christafarians became so distraught that eventually they secretly staged a sit-in and prayed for Divine intervention. The Lord of Warriors, Blood Sacrifices, Croquet and Other Bloodthirsty Sports heard their fervent pleading and sent the Buddha to solve their dilemma.
At first they were jubilant, praising the Lord non-stop for 3 days and nights in celebration. But when the time came to confront the Roman barbarians, the Buddha just sat before them in the lotus position and meditated. At first the Romans laughed and made fun of His pose. They danced around, cracked jokes, threw insults and even started poking him in ridicule. Still, the Buddha maintained his intense meditation, unwavering in his attempt at peaceful reconciliation.
"What do you think you're doing?" the Christafarians objected. "Don't just sit there! Do something!"
The Buddha thus broke his prolonged trance and addressed them as follows: "As you would surely know, I incarnated on this planet to preach Ahimsa, the doctrine of non-violence. Therefore it is quite fitting that I have arrived to relieve your suffering from this unjust and inhumane persecution. However, I cannot force the Romans to stop. They will not listen to reason and it is completely against my principles to lift even a single finger in violence as punishment to them.
Therefore I chose to meditate and by attaining deep trance I was going to become one with their souls, melt their hearts with love and kindness so that they would naturally become gentle and averse to cruelty. Because they are such numbskulls it was taking me longer than expected to affect them. Your impatience disturbed my transcendental consciousness and broke my purification ritual.
Wallowing in guilt, the shameful Christafarians feebly pled once more for the Buddha to try it again. But it wasn't to be. "Now that they know the secret it will not work on them, for their hearts are now guarded with vengeance. I will have to try something else instead," said the Buddha.
And so this is how the Triantiwontigongolope came to be extinct. Of course the Buddha couldn't kill them, no more than he could harm the Romans. He could however grant them liberation and turn the Triantiwontigongolopes into Angels and send then off to Heaven. And that's exactly what He did. The Romans decided to eat all the leftover vegemite and hundreds and thousands and the Christafarians went back to their caves and their strange "incense" (as they liked to call it). End of story. True!
[Written, spoken and authorised by Sam Treloar for the Australian Lullaby Party]
Pictured: Didus thylacinus
Triantiwontigongolope (Dodus thylacinus)

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Premonition: so who hasn't had one?

Dontcha just love it?
Forget the content for the time being. Three things grabbed my attention with this photo. First, the eyelets for the binder rings (but they could've been shopped in, we never can tell!). Second, the italics - apparently, from the 60s on, you just dropped in a new daisy wheel or printball to change the font on typewriters. Last but not least the good old-fashioned handwriting done with a ruler for the letters to bottom out on. Classic. It could be fake still, but I'm going with "It's a piece of memorabilia" for the sheer fun of it.
Now for the content. How many times have you seen a contestant on a game show saying they had a dream they won (like tonight) and straight away they win the exact amount? It happens all the time. I'm not saying that we've all won $50,000 on Who Wants To Be A Dill but I guarantee that each and every one of us, yes I mean you, has had a similar event happen in your life where you had a premonition sometime beforehand.
Time is different on the astral planes. Some say that there is a small window, maybe as much as a week into the future, where deceased relatives or loved ones who can see it will visit us to inform us of what is about to happen. Some say that the upcoming event forms in advance on the higher plane before it is manifest on Planet Earth. Some say that our thoughts create future events and therefore of course we know what's going to happen. Yet others say that just about all the events of our lives are predestined, there is little we can do to stop our karma from happening, and that the event is being acknowledged by our psyche just prior to its occurrence.
Perhaps if you have the time and the inclination you might like to read a book I would like to recommend. I can't vouch for it being 100% non-fiction but it certainly isn't all fantasy. It is written as a novel and tells the story of the central character being visited by a mysterious 'guide' who takes him to see his recently deceased brother, in answer to his fervent praying (God, why have you taken him?).
I must admit that I don't even know if I finished reading the whole book. Apart from one of the early chapters which reads like a crash-course in Hindu Cosmology (a necessary part of setting the background theme), the story revolves about the guide accompanying him as he teaches him how to travel through the levels as he gains knowledge and technique. Not only does he re-unite with his brother but he also meets a lost love who died when he was much younger who becomes a pivotal attachment on the 4th plane which eventually enables him to travel on his own, independent of the Guide's supervision.
What struck me about A Soul's Journey (By Peter Richelieu) is the lack of preachiness. Though there is a moral code, it basically dispels the usual religious preaching that Hell awaits all of us unrepentant sinners. Instead it teaches that unless you're a little Hitler or a total jerk who treats everyone like shit, after you die, unless you hover over your dead carcass totally confused about your death (due to gross attachment and identification with the body, ie become a ghost) your etheric or ethereal or astral body or whatever you want to call it continues on to whatever plane your consciousness and karma entitle you to where you then learn, practice and rehearse until your next body becomes available... which could take hundreds of years or only a moment in time, depending on said availability.
Fascinating reading, I do recommend it.
And for what it's worth, I'm not advocating for one second that we dispense with the concept of Hell. Before the Roman Empire adopted Christianity as the sole official legally-sanctioned religion (thus becoming the Holy Roman Empire, see: 313AD, Constantine the Great) there were two forms of Chistianity practised for centuries in secret in underground temples (the real meaning of the word OCCULT means HIDDEN). The Elite had privileged access to the doctrine of gradual attainment of spiritual perfection through repeated lifetimes of continued effort along The Path. This of course held belief in reincarnation and the lost Christian doctrine of Transmigration of the Soul.
For the Lower Classes ie the general public (the "carnal" as they were defined) being too engrossed in the pleasures of the flesh and thus unable to grasp the lofty ideas of transcendental thought, a different theology however, was taught. One Lifetime, One Opportunity. One Chance, One Choice. Heaven or Hell, for all Eternity. Buy now. Grand sale. Ladies and Gentlemen, place your bets.
This book provides a welcome relief for those who feel that they have failed to live up to expectations, whether they be others' or their own, and for me it reinforces the notion that there is a truly all-loving God that is surprisingly not as judgemental as the other Powers-That-Be (certain unnamed religious denominations, sects, and even cults) would have us believe.
Live your life for the better. For the betterment of yourself and others. And if you can get your head around it (I struggle!) for the pleasure of our creator. Yeah, I know, preachy blah blah, but one thing I'm certain of is that I didn't create myself - for that, I would've had to have been here to begin with, which makes no sense at all. Hence, God. That explains a lot of things!

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

The "Health" Industry - or is it?

When an alternative cure is accepted by mainstream health authorities do you know what it is called? Answer:  "medicine". Up to that point it is labelled as quackery. Even if they don't scientifically understand how or why it works, if and only if it is statistically proven to be effective, then and only then is it given proper accreditation... as long as it's safe (so no-one gets sued).

Take acupuncture for example. It used to be ridiculed as phoney oriental nonsense practised by devious charlatans. They eventually gave in because it cures medical ailments. Hey, patients even have some types of operations without any painkillers or anaesthesia - wide awake. It is no longer stigmatized as Alternative Therapy. Hypnotherapy is another example with a similar history.

I challenge you to look up any alternative cure on that politically correct bastion of the Left-wing propaganda machine - Wikipedia, and find one that doesn't get a bad rap. Well, "Wonkipedia" might go as far as to acknowledge that there is no danger in it, but it will always state that it hasn't been proven to be effective or cure anything under laboratory conditions - usually tagged with the "evidence is purely anecdotal" disclaimer.

Dr Johanna Budwig... pooh-poohed for curing cancer with essential fatty acids...  her protocol included a diet consisting of Quark cottage cheese and freshly ground flaxseed oil (sauerkraut juice is also produced by the same lactic acid as Quark). Can't possibly work, they say, too simple. Budwig researched the theory that a low oxygen environment would develop in the absence of sulphydryl groups and/or fatty acid partners that would encourage the proliferation of cancerous cells. Based on the principle that cancer cells thrive in that cellular environment caused by eating processed food and especially denatured fats and hydrogenated oils, her cure aims at getting the right fatty acids into the tissues, getting the right alkaline levels in body tissue, restoring healthy omega-3/omega-6 balance. No pharma, just proper diet and no processed food or toxins. Too easy, they say. You can’t patent flaxseed or sauerkraut, and with no drugs involved, there's no money to be made by "The Health Industry".  Read wiki's page on her, then read everything else net-wise and form your own opinion.

So have a go, think of any alternative medicine or treatment then look it up on Wonkipedia. They kind of tread more lightly around Ayurveda, Chinese Herbal Medicine and Unani because, well, they'd look quite foolish otherwise, given their widespread practise in the East and the sheer popularity of them. Anything else seems to be fair game. In each article go to the "Health benefits" section and you'll see a standard "There is no scientific evidence of any proven medical benefit blah blah....". I suppose we could start with crystals, but let's go with Nauropathy or Homeopathy, or anything left field. Go on, think of one - maybe try Aromatherapy, Colour Therapy, Music Therapy... Shiatsu, Tai chi, Reiki, TM, Faith Healing, Purple Plates (made "famous" by Linda Goodman - or should that be infamous!) hey, while you're at it, check out Astrology, Tarot, Spiritualism i.e. seances, scrying (crystal ball divination), or any form of fortune telling or contact with the other side. None of these seem to like laboratory testing yet proponents swear by them. I'm not saying they all work. That isn't my point.

It is then that you start to see Wikipedia in a different light - as the left-wing propaganda machine that it is.