Monday, October 30, 2017

My first brilliant teacher, Itiel Bereson.

If anyone wants to know who first set my mind on fire, it was my Form 2 (or 3?) History teacher at Glen Waverley High School, Itiel Bereson. He wrote our textbook for that year "England: Yesterday and Today". He would walk into class, and instead of taking up the usual position (a seat behind the teacher's desk) he would sit on the front of the desk, directly opening himself up to the audience's criticism. He did not hide behind the veil of teacher authority, but instead welcomed all his students to savour the wealth of information that he had.

Obviously he was blessed with a fabulous memory, so necessary for comprehending history, and because he wrote our textbook would rock up completely unarmed, sit on top of the desk, and start talking, right off the top of his head.

What a brilliant mind and an inspirational teacher.

I was so chuffed when he wrote in my report book "Sam is a pleasure to teach". Why? Because I had my eyes and ears  glued to him, never caused a disruption in class, and paid 100% attention to him. I thoroughly enjoyed learning for the first time in my life.

He understood how humanity has a good side and a bad side. Instead of telling us what happened in history, he would set the scenario before a monumental event and then ask us to suggest why civilisation would react or take a course of action.

What he was teaching was actually philanthropy under the guise of Man's history. But what better way to do it other than judging Mankind by the record of his actions?

At once, I understood that all people have a choice in how they behave, and that they have to live with the results of their actions. This was painfully apparent in how certain historical decisions panned out, be they good or bad.

He didn't preach morality. He said - this was what was in front of them, this is what they chose to do, and this is what resulted. What a brilliant teacher. In order to understand history, one first has to understand what drives Mankind.

Itiel passed in 2016. Hare Kṛṣṇa हरे कृष्ण may God bless you and deliver you to the beautiful future that you deserve.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

The original Point Leo 'resident surfer'?

These photos are from the
Scotty Palmer article on the '73
Point Leo 1200 surfing contest
which appeared in the July 24
Sun newspaper. Someone at the
CES (Commonwealth Employment
Service) saw it and thought it
was a good idea to put it in my
 file because Scotty mentioned
that surfers weren't much
interested in getting a job when
the surf was up. 
As far as I know, I am the original Point Leo resident surfer: I first moved to Point Leo in May, 1970. I would come home from school and go to the beach, only to find it deserted.

Nowadays, everyone would consider this a blessing. But it was the early 70's, and surfboard riding was only just starting to blossom, and surfing buddies made it a whole lot more enjoyable, especially as a teenager. I missed them.

So, at first I considered this as a sort of punishment, the mid-pubescent relocation from a prominent Melbourne suburb to a lonely remote Peninsula locality (technically a hamlet - the population grew from 9 to 13 when my family moved in) as I had no-one to surf with except for weekends.

That lasted only a couple of years. Soon it was teeming with surfers from Frankston, Seaford, Mornington and the whole Melbourne Metropolitan area. Basically I had one year of lonely surfing (1970) followed by a summer of making friends with all the campers and tourists who surfed; then the next year of getting to know  anyone and everyone who visited the area to surf, and by '72 it was getting crowded.

In contrast, during the Xmas holidays when the camping area was full and on weekends every man and his dog would gravitate to Suicide Point on Sunday, it was common to find fifty or sixty surfers out at the Point and half a dozen scambling on and fighting for each wave.

My first year out of school, '73, was punctuated by a couple of Melbournites moving down and a lot of panel van fringe Frankstonites frequenting the area, often midweek. By 74 and 75 popular surf spots were starting to get seriously overcrowded.

During that first year, '70-'71, my father (Wal Treloar as he preferred to be called, although he also answered to Wally or Walter) was the Ranger. At times I would man the ticket box and collect parking fees. By the time I was 16 years old I was driving the Foreshore Committee's Massey Ferguson tractor, doing the rubbish rounds from East Creek to the Point, through the camping area, and down to First Reef.

At that time there was also a temporary arrangement for under-age camping on the other side of the creek at First Reef (roughly where the old Surfie Shacks were built for earlier National Surflifesaving Carnivals), which made bin collection a real hassle. There was no proper infrastructure, no proper campsites or roads, just a paddock with vague markers here and there.

Eventually the instigator, local General Store proprietor Arthur Jones's plan was nullified and camping went back to the normal 126 sites max instead of 200. (there was always a certain amount of flexibility but always only a handful of extra campsites were allocated).

As my dad was the ranger, I understood the camping arrangements. There were maps in the front verandah showing campsite layouts, 1-126 in detail. I made it my business to familiarise myself with all these campsites' locations, because I was a frequent family camper since 1963 and had experienced several shifts from one campsite to another, making for a diverse camping experience.

So that's how I developed a quasi-eidetic memory of everyone's name (and Star Sign)... Doing the ticket box. Whenever anyone questioned the fee, I'd deliver them the standard "The 1948 Land Acts, Section 218, paragraph 30 states that upon entry into the reserve, the Foreshore Committee may charge a parking fee, etc. etc." Usually they would fork over the twenty cents in order to shut me up.

When I was young I failed to appreciate how privileged I was to have had that experience in my upbringing. Certainly it is out of the ordinary, but I couldn't fathom it at the time. It is only when one sits back, hears about others' accounts, and reflects on how unique my circumstances were that I realise what extraordinary karma I must have accumulated in order to qualify for this sort of existence. How many kids get to grow up as the first resident surfer in a relatively unpopulated area? Not many. Thank you Lord. 

Hare Kṛṣṇa हरे कृष्ण 

Saturday, September 23, 2017

The Pseudo-Scientific Spiritual "Research" Foundation

One day I was looking up what kind of energy comes out of the eyes, fingers, feet etc (I remember reading about it in one of Śrīla Prabhupāda's books, I think it might be shakti but I don't really know) when SSRF ("Scientific Spiritual Research Foundation") came up in one of the search results. They didn't have the answer I was looking for but being an Indian site (PSSRF or "Pseudo-Scientific Spiritual Research Foundation" as I call them is not their real name. They call themselves SSRF but I added the prefix Pseudo- because they aren't at all scientific), it had some other information, some good Vedic stuff like sleeping Eastwards, and some other entirely weird stuff - like why hugging was bad, how to eliminate your problems by putting them in a special box, and how to get rid of the Evil Eye.

More alarming were two other things...

First, there was no mention anywhere of the Mahā-mantra, introduced by Lord Caitanya in the 16th Century:
       Hare Kṛṣṇa Hare Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Hare Hare
       Hare Rāma Hare Rāma Rāma Rāma Hare Hare
- which is absolutely bizarre seeing as they go on and on about the value of chanting the Lord's Holy Names (more on that later);

And second, their Nostradamus-derived (but unacknowledged by PSSRF!) predictions about World War III, which they keep altering over the years whenever things like earthquakes, bombings and certain countries' populations suffering massive hits don't eventuate.

Now, the dates of the years for developments in WW3 occur are fairly common knowledge to Nostradamus fans - 2012, 2015, 2018, 2023 etc. But this site which started in 2006 keeps "updating" (read: moving the goalposts, 2014, 2016, 2017) everytime nothing happens, changing the prediction to suit. So I'll give some examples...

Here we see from an early site version no later than 2013 (a rough copy I found on a separate blog) with some pretty bold statements:

2014.. Abundance of natural calamities;
2015.. Destruction by floods and volcanoes;
2016.. Big earthquake in Pakistan;
2017.. Middle East destroyed by bomb blasts;
2018.. America, China and Japan lose big numbers to war;
2019.. Politicians lose credibility as people ruch to Saints for rescue.

[note: as of late Sep '17,there was no " 2016 big earthquake in Pakistan" and nothing unusual in the Middle East. Still time for some idiot to point their nuclear missiles at the US, China & Japan, though I hope not!]  

...which are all fairly in line with "battle in the physical realm" b/n 2013-15:
(click on each pic to view full size)

...but with no Third World War taking place 2016-18, now it reads as of April 2017:

...the Physical War now rescheduled to after 2019!

If this keeps up we'll end up running out of time for there to even BE a Third World War to usher in the New Heavenly Kingdom of World Peace.

But wait, there's more... an Online Store! 

True to form, like every Charlatan Indian Guru Business cashing in on New Age freaked-out puppets, the PSSRF sells "remedies", even claiming that agnihotra (fire sacrifices) can neutralise radioactive fallout from nuclear weapons! Available online, special Agnihotra Instruction Manual,  price to you of only US$5.40! Buy now before it's too late.. for when they drop the bomb we will surely sell out in no time!

Apparently nearly anyone can perform agni-hotra, but according to the author the practitioner must be at least 55% spiritual realisation level to afford protection from nuclear bombs. You can buy everything required to boost your level from their site.

[Disclaimer: I do not vouch for anything on their site and I certainly wouldn't give them a single cent. The idea that they sell empowered "Chanting Strips" - everyday Sanskrit mantras printed in colour on little strips of paper for $1 is, just.... well, just for superstitious, gullible people. Imho. Ffs!]

Originally they were saying that the war wasn't inevitable and that if enough people practised spirituality it would counteract the Evil Forces of Mantrik Sorcerers in the Subtle World! And no doubt they will also claim that the dates were wrong because the valuable spiritual remedies that they sell online have forestalled the timing of events by raising the consciousness and purity of the planet!

Alas, they've changed their stance and now say WW3 is inevitable. Maybe they didn't sell enough mantras. 

Who is His Holeness Dr Jayant Balaji Athavale? 

Unlike most Indian prophets, gurus, saints and seers who repeatedly incarnate into holy families to continue their missionary work, DrJBA was an atheist and is a retired Hypnotherapist. He founded the PSSRF in 1985 after "finding God" through Bhaktiraj Maharaj and became his initiate in 1987. In 1999 he and his guru formed Sanatan Sanstha, a Right-wing Hindu group. Of 6 persons owing allegiance to Sanatan Sanstha arrested, 4 were cleared in association with 4 bombings and 3 murders of political opponents. They are still waiting for the results of the ballistic report from Scotland Yard to finally clear up the matter. Some people accuse that hypnotism was used on the perpetrators by Sanatan Sanstha to coerce them into committing the crimes. It has never been proven. 

PSSRF claims it is a non-profit charity organisation staffed entirely by volunteers. Their online store sells their own-branded incense, CDs, self-help books (such as how to use empty boxes to spiritually heal ailments; self-hypnotism; Parenting; Rituals, etc), and my favourite, the Special Package Offer, Shraddha (Fortnight for Departed Ancestors), 10% off. 

They also have online forums, Skype chat rooms (where if you qualify you can advance up through various levels), Webinars, Tutorials, and even 2,3 and 5-day Workshops! Of course not all of it is free.... The 3 day American workshop is US$400.

What is their credibility rating?

I have only ever had one online experience with the PSSRF and I was far from satisfied with the results. According to their website, it is recommended to wear natural fibres (reputedly synthetics attract black energy and negative spirits) so I was wondering about Bt cotton, which is genetically modified. 90% of India's cotton is GMO, and, in my mind is not natural, so my question was, is it unsafe? 

After much fobbing off and toing and froing (it took a couple of days of emails) they finally admitted that they didn't know about the status of GMO, their expertise was about spirituality, and repeated that natural fibres provide the best protection. I never got a direct yes or no and to this day still know shit. So... imagine all those millions of superstitious Hindus running around in Bt cotton thinking they're protected when they're not, ha ha! Or are they? PSSRF can't say. 

They could have given me a direct answer the first time: And they did. I just didn't think that was much of an answer! Where is their highly developed "Sixth Sense" now? What, they can predict the next world war but have no idea about GMO cotton?

I'm not buying that.

Look, they may not be shysters. Their intentions may be honest but if they suffer from a poor fund of knowledge then I think it's hardly tbeir business to go around scaring the daylights out of people. And don't get me wrong. I have the utmost respect for the Vedas. But I seriously doubt that anyone in their organisation is spiritually elevated enough to perform a fire sacrifice that will counteract radioactive fallout from a nuclear bomb. This is, after all, Kali Yuga. In Treta Yuga, when such yajñas were the norm (yuga-dharma) the priest ignited the sacrificial fire with the hymns and mantras recited - no matches were necessary. If the priest couldn't do this he was exposed as being impotent and therefore unfit to perform any such ceremony. 


Advaita Vedanta is basically Impersonalism (Māyāvādī) 

Advaita means nondual, as opposed to the dualist Dvaita school (eg Hare Kṛṣṇa) which maintains that God and the living entity have permanent separate identities. The Dvaita sees himself as an eternal servant of the Lord, whereas the nondualist sees himself as equal to the Lord and desires to merge into His existence - becoming one with the Lord. Technically the Hare Kṛṣṇa are Achintya Bheda Abheda-vada (simultaneously different from and equal to the Lord), a sub-sect of the Dvaita Vedantist school. 

To the bhakti-yogi of the Vaishnava Sampradaya this is the greatest offence. The ordinary conditioned soul who puts oneself on the same level as God is most disrespectful. The Supreme Lord never falls down and takes birth in the Material World, never suffers from illusion and makes mistakes, never has difficulty controlling his senses or bodily functions, and most certainly never loses Himself and then has to find Himself in order to become one with Himself again. 

So now we can see why the Hare Kṛṣṇa Mahā-mantra is nowhere to be found on the PSSRF website - basically they are envious of Kṛṣṇa, and dislike the Dvaita Vedantist's disqualification of this merging nonsense. The Mahā-mantra is essentially a prayer, "please engage me in your service". It is not the Buddhist who walks up to a hamburger stall and orders "make me one with everything". 

Friday, September 08, 2017

Eclipse on Trump

Eclipse Degree (ED) update 8/9/17.

The Aug 22 (Australia time) eclipse was at 29° Leo (Actually 28° 52' 56" but who's splitting hairs?)

Today, Mercury, in direct motion again, has joined the eclipse degree a final time. Last Tuesday morning Mars, the planet of war, passed over the ED just before dawn. The timing of eclipses is triggered by such a pass - either by conjunction, square aspect, or opposition. Often the effect of eclipses isn't known until Mercury contacts the ED, which will be conjunct on Friday the 8th around midday. Bear in mind that Trump's Ascendant is 29° 58' Leo, so these transits will all activate his chart a day or two later. No-one knows Kim Jong-un's chart.

Expect breaking news then...

Looking even further ahead, here's some future transits to the ED:

19th Sept, Venus,  conjunction ;
7th Oct, Sun, semi-square;
8th Oct, Mercury, semi-square;
25th Oct, Venus, semi-square;
5th Nov, Mercury, square;
14th Nov, Mars, semi-square;
21st Nov, Sun, square;
30th Nov, Venus, square.

Some of you may be surprised to see Venus here. Well, not only is it the planet of Love - but also hate and open enemies. Even arch enemies have a relationship of sorts, for without a worthy opponent they'd have no-one to beat their chests at.

I thought I'd include it because, on the positive side Venus rules truces and peace agreements, so those times might be important for negotiations, joining sides or uniting forces. All of this could have a bearing on whether or not World War III breaks out.

More here:

Saturday, July 01, 2017

Stoner dope is NOT medical marijuana

To all my stoner friends lost.. if you don't like my posts and therefore unfollow me on Farceboof  cos you can't stand having your little dreamworlds shattered by the cold hard truth...

What kind of fantasy land are you living in?

There is a HUGE difference between stoner dope and medical marijuana. Please...  stay with this, educate yourself!

Alright then, you don't wanna hear it? It's your choice. And it's my freedom to teach what I have learnt, to express my opinion. There is even scientific evidence that says cannabis is WORSE than both tobacco and alcohol as a carcinogen. (Quick get off this page if you want to keep your precious fallacies!)

If stoner dope cured cancer.... 

THC doesn't stop cancer but CBD does. That explains why The 'Reverend' Bob Marley died so young. So for cripes ache if you've got cancer, please don't foolishly guffaw down your bud thinking it's going to save you. It won't - because if it gets you stoned then it is low in cannabidiol, the anti-cancer constituent of cannabis.


If you don't know what that means then please educate yourself. It is impossible for a single cannabis plant to contain high levels of both CBD and THC at the same time!

Both CBD and THC derive from a 'base molecule' early in the development of the seedling, and depending on the strain (this is where selective breeding cones in, the true origin of "medical marijuana"!) the plant turns either way (it cannot do both) to make one gene dominant at the biological exclusion of the other. They are antagonistic botanically in that they prevent the sibling cannabinoid from multiplying; and psychotropically in that CBD is the antidote for THC-induced schizophrenia. If someone is freaking out on hash - give them CBD and it will bring them down, back to reality. Conversely, high-CBD dope (aka medical marijuana) will not get you high. Ever.

I enjoy reading about and educating myself about the dangers of alcohol, my personal choice of drug. And so should you, my friend, if you want to be informed and aware in regards to whatever you are currently imbibing with, whether it be legal prescription drugs or illegal street junk. No-one listens to a lecture on the perils of drug experimentation as a teenager but, friends, we are way beyond that excuse and know better.

There are so many myths associated with fake MM (I'm sick of calling it the bandied bullshit misnomer) that are not just dishonest but plain dangerous and about as dumb as thinking you can't get aids from sharing a needle while shoooting up heroin because you're wearing a condom on your cock¹

  1. Please report any incidence of this ever happening here

Sunday, June 18, 2017


Read what WebMD has on turmeric here

Upon closer inspection one will find that every spice and herb used in food preparation has a role to play other than taste or appearance. The essential oils and active ingredients have an astronomically long list of medical properties ranging from anti-inflammatory to analgesic, aiding digestion and even curing cancer.

Tumeric gives curry its well-known yellow colour. Ultraviolet rays break down the molecular chains. So to get stains out, instead of madly scrubbing, just hang them in the sun until it bleaches the colour out. I hang my bamboo spoons in the kitchen window where in time they turn a nice pale shade.

Monday, June 12, 2017

The Symbolism of the Constellation of Pisces

The equinoxes give rise to the various Astrological Ages as they move backwards through the Zodiac. It takes about 25,000 years to complete a full cycle and thus spends a little over two thousand years in each Sign. For two thousand years we have been in the Age of Pisces and as the song goes, "This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius".

Robert Hand deals with a lot of this in his published books, especially Essays On Astrology 1982/4 Para Research Inc where he coincides the timing and dates of the precession of the equinoxes over the fixed stars; to whit:

2,000 years ago the equinoxes were moving through the East (or North) Fish, a journey of some 400 years or more. The East Fish pointing northwards symbolises the spiritual quest of Christians (then largely occult or underground due to severe oppression by the Roman Empire) striving for Heaven to seek perfection. After that the equinoxes moved toward the West Fish, spreading laterally across the material plane as expanding Christian Kingdoms such as England, Spain, France, the Dutch and Portuguese etc spread their political dominion across the globe.

312 AD Constantine wins the battle with Maxentius after seeing an omen of a flaming cross in the sky bearing the  words "With this sign, thou shalt be victorious", and subsequently converts to Christianity.

313 Constantine then adopts tolerance towards other practising Christians within the extent of his Empire.

323 Constantine becomes outright leader of the entire Roman Empire.

325 First Council of Nicaea, to solve disparities in the varying forms of Christian practice and beliefs. Determination of which 'Books' will be accepted as part of The New Testament, and what shall be omitted.

331 Constantine commissions the first 50 Bibles be produced, written in Greek. The Old Testament was based on Origen's Hexapla.

553 Some argue that this was when the doctrine of transmigration of the soul was removed. Origen was condemned as a heretic at this, the 5th Council. His teachings had many parallels with the Vedas.

380 Theodosius, now as leader declares Christianity the official religion of the Holy Roman Empire.

381 First Council of Constantinople addressing further schisms, declaring them heresies. Icon worship was again allowed, inc. Mary.

Thus marks the development of Christianity during the East Fish and the emergence of the organised religion as the Roman Catholic Church.

The West Fish marks the Reformation and springing forth of new denominations, greatly accelerated by the technology of the Gutenburg press which for the first time facilitated the widespread distribution of alternative Bibles.

It takes roughly 24,000 Earth years for the Equinox to return to the first point of Aries. Therefore it spends about 2,000 in each of the 12 signs of the Zodiac.

The diagram and astrological data is from Robert Hand's Essays on Astrology. Some of the information expressed here is his work, most of the rest is mine or gleaned from various other authors. I have elaborated on some of it in more detail - especially the information about certain doctrines, tenets, dogmas etc being dropped from the Bible during the first seven Ecumenical Councils, early Christian doctrines (especially those espoused by Origen of Alexandria) on reincarnation, karma, etc. I first heard this over 40 years ago from the Hare Krishnas. Nowadays you will find numerous websites detailing Early Christianity, theories about Jesus and his disciples being vegetarians, and other vast differences re the modern Church.

Further explanation is required, as this is a complicated subject, and as usual I have made it overly complex! Simply put though, I would like to draw your attention to the parallels of the Age of Pisces, and the fish being the symbol of Christians. In the first 3 centuries when it was occult (underground) because of Roman oppression, followers placed the sign of the fish above the entrances of secret meetings for identification by closet Christians.

The East Fish represents the first 300 years of Christianity. The West Fish is the modern schisms - not only in Christianity between the Roman Catholic Church and the many post-Reformation varieties of Methodist, Protestant, etc but also the divide in Islam between 88% Sunni and the 12% Shia; and also, in ISKCON with its radical departure from Srila Prabhupada's teachings; and countless other instances of branches and offshoots of mainstream religions trying to "adapt" and "adjust" to fit in with modern society.

Such "adjustment" is completely unnecessary. Unlike society which is man-made, religions come from God. Sometimes they are time-and-place specific, such as Judaism, and may seem to become "dated" and less relevant to modern life, but that doesn't mean they are invalid. Progress is the invention of Man, not accepting his destiny and his lot in life.

............... ***...............***..............

As time passes, the orientation of the Heavens and Earth changes. It is evident by connecting mundane events (not derogatory; mundane means 'here on Earth') to the inherent symbolism of celestial phenomena (Astrology) observed over a long time that correspondences can be drawn. "For every season, turn, turn, turn."

First of all one must relinquish any presumption that Astrology is pseudo-science. It doesn't even try to pretend to be a science, because science deals with measuring phenomena, and astrology also deals with unobservable noumena, placing it in the Arts; and if you like, a craft.

No scientist will ever be able to measure a person's spirituality, how much they are in love, or whether or not they can see God.

This diagram is an attempt to represent the corresponding relationship ("As above, so below") between the Heavens and events on Earth, namely the current Age of Pisces and the resultant religious fervour expressed through established faiths such as Christianity and Islam, as well as any other exclusive "we alone have the one true God" dogmatic trips. I shall attempt to explain. Much credit and many thanks are due to Robert Hand who first made me aware of this through his book "Essays On Astrology" where he covers the more technical aspects in detail. Presented here are some of my further musings as a result of his enlightening propositions. And of course, my own particular bent on the subject. To make a name as a philosopher, it is necessary to present something new; but that should not be translated as a licence for rampant invention.

The vertical axis represents the degrees above and below the Celestial Equator - how astrologers and astronomers alike address the Heavens.

The lower horizontal axis represents time from BC (Before Christ) to AD (Anno Domini = year of our Lord [certainly not 'After Death'!]) . The upper horizontal axis shows the Zodiacal Ages ("this is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius") as the equinoctial precession slips backward through the Zodiac.

For those who need a simple(r) explanation, thousands of years ago at Stonehenge, at the Vernal Equinox (Spring in the Northern Hemisphere ≈ 22nd March) the First Point of Aries (the fixed star Antares) was on the Eastern Horizon, the backdrop for the rising Sun. Nowadays if you go there and witness the fixed stars passing over the horizon at that that time of the year, you will see Pisces there. In future it will be the constellation of Aquarius. These are the Ages of the  Zodiac, determined by equinoctial precession. Contrary to popular lore, we are not in the Age of Aquarius at all, we are still in Pisces, as evident by Islamic radical fundamentalism – merely an extension of the early Christian fanaticism and dogmatic religiosity. AS SOME WOULD SAY, same shit, different bucket.

Back in the days of early Christianity, things were different. This blog article attempts to correlate developments in the evolution and formation of the Church, from before the birth of Jesus, through his lifetime, the 300 years afterwards when Christianity was an occult practice (performed in secret meeting places, often underground, famously marked by the sign of the fish [Pisces?] due to persecution from the Roman Empire), the later adoption by Constantine III resulting in the renaming to the Holy Roman Empire when Christianity was declared the sole legal religion, the emergence of Islam somewhat later and the continuing "My God Is The Only God" mentality wreaking havoc in the world today...


The Constellation of Pisces consists of two fish swimming in different directions. This symbolises Pisceans as being somewhat confused, which they indeed may be. People with Neptune or the 12th House predominant (moi) also carry this trait. With these two fish - one pointed northward, as if reaching to the heavens; and the second pointing horizontally, as if spreading dominion over the material realm, we see the two dualities of Pisces. Aspiring for the Almighty and wizardly mastery over the material elements may seem like different ends of the stick - and that's exactly what they are, the schizoid Piscean split diametric.

What is interesting here is the connection between the Equinoctial precession passing over the East Fish (north-borne) in only the first couple of hundred years of the Age of Pisces, and the subsequent West Fish burgeoning after the l600's (and the Reformation of the Roman Catholic Church) and the subsequent emergence of Lutheran-inspired Methodist, Protestant and other non-conformist breakaway "Sects" in the 1800's fuelled by the Gutenberg press which enabled mass printing of non-RC bibles and widespread distribution. This is how Roman Catholicism lost its stranglehold on the Earth's population, illustrated by the Western Fish spreading across time. "Progress".

Very interesting indeed is the timing of the First Creed of Nicea and the demise of the East Fish - and the current phase of West Fish material expansion. Are we witnessing a new Islamic-based uprising along the lines of the Spanish Inquisition, or a completely new chapter in Piscean unfoldment?

The East Fish reaching for the Heavens marks early Christianity as concerned with the spiritual realm, aspiring to raise pure consciousness and unite with God, totally disinterested in worldly affairs and material expansion. This is evidenced by the later Holy Roman Empire and the West Fish.

The first few hundred years of Christianity's history are unique in that they show the closest, most exact and direct impact of Jesus's teachings on humanity without any political or governmental interference.

.............***.............. ***..............

For those interested... first, a little background on the Nicene Creed and its relevance to the development of modern Christianity. Some scholars argue that this is when the Doctrine of Transmigration of the Soul, Reincarnation, and the presence of the Supreme Absolute Truth (atman) in all living entities were wiped as concepts from the philosophy - replaced with a "Jesus is God, animals don't have souls and it's okay to kill them and eat them, and you only have one chance to accept Jesus into your heart now or suffer perpetually in Hell" kind of thinking. This type of mentality is unique to modern Christianity and doesn't appear in any other God-given religion on Earth. One must take into account the possibility that the Roman's adoption of Christianity could've been a last-ditch effort to save a crumbling empire and a falling civilisation. Either way, it eventually gave way as it became outmoded. Yet the Roman Catholic Church persevered.

Prior to 325AD, Jesus was regarded in many ways - as a mortal, as the Son of God, or as Lord. There was no one view. This is a later adoption (an invention?) of the newly formed Holy Roman Empire (HRE). Originally, Christianity was practised along the lines of at least two disciplines - a gnostic approach of continuity, a lifestyle, a process of continual refining and seeking perfection; or, the once-off, do-or-die, hurry-last-offer "accept Jesus into your heart now or forever suffer in Hell" business that was adopted by the HRE. There are at least two opinions as to why the latter was chosen by the HRE. One was that the Gnostic 'gradual perfection by attaining knowledge' method was impractical for the general masses, and that the latter was better suited. Another was that Christianity wouldn't be popular if meat-eating was banned. That theory is supposed to explain why the doctrine of transmigration of the soul, karma, reincarnation, etc was removed from the Bible.

The latter is the version that was preached later to the lower classes by the Roman elite, perhaps a way to control the population and scare them into submission. Interesting to note is that only the learned, the elite, the hierarchy of priestly scholars had access to scripture after Roman intervention. Everyone had access before they took control and institutionalised "The Church". A similar thing happened in India with the upper class of Hindus declaring that only Brahmans had access to scripture - the Veda. Srila Prabhupada and earlier, the Gutenberg Press changed everything much much later.

Okay, so let's get back to the allegedly "meat-eating, bloodthirsty" Emperor Constantine the Third, converting to Christianity just as the Roman Empire was declining. Timely? Legend has it that he saw an apparition going into battle of a Cross in the sky, aflame and bearing the words "with this sign thou shalt be victorious". He was the first Roman Emperor to fully embrace the Church of Christ, indeed not only tolerating it but setting in motion the process that would eventually lead to making it the sole legal religion combined in Church AND State - a practise now banned in democratic societies (secular - separation of Church and State) worldwide. Did I mention that Constantine had his son from his first marriage executed when he was caught having an affair with his second wife - also executed - together? That's mighty un-"Christian" of him! Some argue that Constantine was never a true Christian and only adopted it for political means. Yesh... maybe. 

The exact goings-on of the First Council of Nicea in 325, otherwise known as the Nicene Creed, were not fully documented (as are most if not all the early ecumenical councils) and exact details of what went on are uncertain. The origins of the modern church are indeed shrouded in mystery. The first seven Ecumenical Councils, from 325 to 787 AD, saw a lot of to-and-froing, with various policies, philosophies and practices dropped or adopted or both. In this way the Church was put together somewhat like a jigsaw puzzle, without everyone in agreeance including various Popes from the Eastern and Western Holy Roman Empires.

Some allege that the doctrine of transmigration of the soul was removed (5th Council) in order to continue the abhorrent practice of killing innocent animals and eating their flesh. The concept of karma was also dispensed with, replaced with a present and future tense "as ye sow, ye shall reap" with no reference to previous lifetimes or the fact that animals, indeed, all life forms, possess souls non-different from the Lord's marginal expansion as living entities of all forms.

Thus, Modern Christianity (apart from some ecclectic offshoots eg Rosicrucians) is the only religion on Earth without a teaching of karma, previous lives, reincarnation, and recognition of all living entities as having souls as part of God's Creation. It is uniquely Roman: and a political invention, I suspect. We will possibly never know.

Religions, etc that preach reincarnation doctrine:

Hindus, Vaishnavas, Shaivites, Jains, Sikhs, Buddhists;
Judaism, Origen and early Christians;
In Islam - Ghulats, Druze, Sufi;
In early Greece as metempsychosis - Plato, Socrates, Pythagoras;
Native Americans, African Voodun, Australian Aborigines;
Gnostics, Essenes, Manicheans;
Celts, Druids, Norse mythology;
Theosophists, Scientology, Wicca.

No doubt there are more.

Friday, May 19, 2017

Nature and Birthright

There are no penguins at the North Pole, nor are there polar bears in Antarctica. Botano-fascism? Look it up. No, more like zoological xenophobia.

A Law of Nature: if and when an entity of any species takes birth anywhere, it has virtue and belongs; because of its BIRTHRIGHT. If it was breaking the laws of nature it wouldn't happen. That's why we don't find pineapples and guavas at the top of Mount Everest.

Botanical xenophobia? Ergo blackberries, rabbits, prickly pears and cane toads in Australia. Well, even the dingo is a late entrant into the landscape, coming only with the latest Afro-asian migration along with the boomerang (incidentally, also found in South American cultures. The throwing stick, not the dog). What to speak of us Europeans!

Most modern Science is a throw-back to the irreligious uprising of the post-medieval revolution. Prior to that, all the sciences ascribed to the philosophy of "As above, so below". Now it seems that if enough expert wankers agree on anything it becomes  "proven".

Tell a Leo that they're a selfish egotist and they will undoubtedly take offense. Say the same thing to a Pisces and they will most likely back off, droop, and mumble under their breath -  'how could they know my innermost secrets?'.

Greenies are an unrealistic leftover from the misguided hippie subculture. "That doesn't belong here". "That is a weed". "That is an invasive species". "Kill it". "Exterminate". "Let's try to restore the 'balance of nature that was lost'", as if the presiding Deity was slacking on the job, playing truant, or having a nap hiding in the pantry. "We must restore what Nature has neglected". Phooey, you nincumpoops!

Puny humans are so impatient. Given time, Mother Nature ALWAYS restores balance. It's her thing, that's what she does without any need for human interference. Puny humans, most. So impatient. "I want it all and I want it now!"

Within the millions of specie of life, each one caters to granting the reborn living entity a suitable body just right for enjoying/suffering in that particular lifetime. Cats don't fetch balls or chase sticks and earthworms don't cuddle up for a pat.

A dog or a horse however (and possibly an elephant) will not abandon you when you are dying because they are only one step away from rising up the evolutionary ladder and taking human birth.

Cows that die naturally take birth in human form. That's why it is so sinful to eat beef, only one step lower than cannibalism.

Friday, May 12, 2017

Most of us are pretty dumb when we believe in CAGW.

In the 70's we all bought 4 cylinder jap cars cos oil was running out.


In the 90's we all bought new stereos cos we thought digital was crap.

More bullshit.

Come 2010+ we all pay triple energy bills because of global bloody warming.

Complete and utter bullshit, again.


For the last 10,000 years or so the planet has been experiencing alternating warm and cool cycles. Historically, the Earth has always been warmer, apart from Ice Ages. Al Gore is a lying wanker. Bullshit artist exemplar.

Do you want to see the graphs? They're generated from the same statistical database that the IPCC uses to concoct their alarmist warmist fearmongering Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming crisis.


For every statistic  the IPCC & CAGW presents, a contradictory set of statistics can show the opposite.

Do I suspect an anti-arab/islamic oil conspiracy here, converting to First World technology to counter the dependence on fossil fuels?

If you're going to San Francisco, better wear some windfarm propeller detectors in your hair so you don't get knocked out passing by.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Bringing God's Mercy into your own home.

Though I was never shown how to cook basmati rice in person.... except Prabhupada always says he is present whenever his personal instruction is passed on without alteration 😉 and the cookbooks follow his methods 👌✔✔✔

Everybody adds their own touch as well, I guess. Mine is using lukewarm water instead of hot or cold. You might use less or more salt than me. Also, the consciousness of the person is important because it goes in it - for example what they are thinking while sautéing the rice and stirring it in the ghee, being careful not to burn it by cooking it evenly. I like taking care and to me that is the secret to making good basmati rice. If one finds that part a chore then the cook is spoiling the preparation with bad vibes eg resentment instead of love.

One starts out by seeing all food as God-sent. So the food is honoured as Brahman. One is thinking "thank you Lord for providing this food, it all comes from You" or at least being aware that Mother Nature is one of God's Agents and that it isn't a random product of the material world, as scientists and atheists so blindly reason. They are thinking "All this is mine, let me enjoy", oblivious to where the food comes from.

One who at least sees food as being part of the Universal Whole is worshipping God in His impersonal aspect. It is not as powerful as offering to the personal form of the Lord as in bhakti-yoga wherein it becomes transformed into prasadam, nevertheless there is still spiritual benefit perhaps equivalent to partaking of the Host at Mass - well, you can do it every day instead of only at  the Church on Sundays.

Sometimes religion becomes institutionalised, thereby taking away power from the lay practitioner. Anyone can practice bhakti-yoga at home - you don't have to go to a temple to worship. And you can get your own "bread and wine, the flesh and blood of Christ" every day of the week by doing away with reliance on rubber-stamped "Representatives of The Church".

Instead, Christians are made slaves to the hierarchy. Before the invention of the Gutenberg press, people didn't even have access to their own Bibles! My, how that changed things - and delivered Christianity to the masses, freeing it from the constraints of the Roman Catholic Church.

'Thou protesteth too much'........

Saturday, April 08, 2017

First Reef

(my first and only Wonkypedia article) 

A surf break at Point Leo, on the Mornington Peninsula, one of the closest surf beaches to Melbourne in Victoria, Australia known as First Reef[1][2][3][4][5] or more colloquially just "The Reef". Until the 1970s there was little or no resident surfing population in Point Leo, so the Reef was mainly surfed by the few transient waveriders who were exploring the many breaks to be found in Westernport Bay.
One of only a few left-handers inside the bay, although it can be a fairly long wave on a big swell, it is more often just a short ride- a take-off peak, a bowl section and a shorebreak. It also "boasts" a very average right-hander that occasionally produces similar results but without the bowl, being more of a wall-type wave with several sections. One of three reefs between Suicide and Honeysuckle Points, First Reef is a sand and seaweed covered submerged igneous reef of fairly regular convex relief, extending perhaps a hundred metres out from the shorebreak where the waves eventually dissipate. Its versatile nature thus caters for beginners and average to experienced surfers alike, but probably is best known as a haven for goofy footers.

Early Surfers

The earliest surfers (using the term loosely to include all forms of the art) were probably body surfers, from when the Australian Army used the area for training during the Second World War,[6] and afterwards by lifesavers who eventually formed the Point Leo Surf Lifesaving Club in 1955.[7] Early use of wooden paddleboards was superseded in the 1960s by fibreglass surfboards which became popular as the newly introduced sport of surfing grew. Frequent visitors to the area included daytrippers from Melbourne and other towns close by, part-time residents with holiday houses, and regular campers over the summer season, some of whom surfed the reefs and shorebreaks up and down the beach.
Sporadically populated from the original settlement, for many post-war years the only residents were a couple of elderly retired people, a spinster Mrs Woodward and nearby a bachelor Mr Ashe, and the odd temporary janitor who tended the Point Leo Boat Club. For many years Point Leo was almost deserted apart fom the seasonal summer rush and the odd Surf Lifesaving Carnival. In the early-1970s, the resident surfing population was born with the arrival of two families: first the Treloar's, of who Wally Treloar took on the position of the Foreshore Ranger; and then the Clatworthy's, of who Colin ran the Milk Bar, almost tripling the number of residents to nearly 20 – and with it, producing a handful of the first full-time resident local surfers - Sam and Kay Treloar, and Mick, Andy, and Johnny Clatworthy. Apart from semi-permanent residents Bob Molck and Alan Bounds, scarcely any other surfers could be found during the week whilst the numbers would swell on weekends if the weather made conditions favourable for good surfing. As Point Leo became more and more popular, fanatic surfers increased in numbers. By the end of the decade, the situation had changed so much with the inundation of wave-hungry surfers from the explosion of this latest "hip fad", that those idyllic conditions are now seldom found, as if they have almost disappeared forever.

The first "wave"

There were a number of "surfers" in the early days – the term had a broad scope of definition ranging from wooden paddleboard riders, bodysurfers, lilo and tyre tube wannabe's as well as the later polyurethane and fibreglass boardriders. The P.L.S.L.C. (Point Leo Surf Lifesaving Club) ran lifesaving drills and competitions in the 50's and 60's which incorporated surf-riding skills as part of rescue procedures, although the art of surfing was not yet widely recognised as such.
In the early 60's and 70's there were a number of adventurous early surfers i.e. Mick and Andy Mansour, Sandy McKendricks, Max Bryant, Dennis aka Little "D", some guy called Nicko (perhaps Little D's oder brother) , and Flinders pioneer local Archie Cairns Jnr, the trio of brightly-coloured red surf-skiers Joe, Cyril, and Vaughn (all of who have surfbreaks named after them at nearby Flinders)... and the legendary veteran, teeth-gritting, sandshoe-wearing "Old Man Weir".
Next came an influx of regional "locals" who increasingly frequented the oft-performing surfbreaks, from Melbourne suburbs, Phillip Island (and even the odd West Coaster) - Paul Pascoe from South Africa, Warren Partington, Mick Marchant, Ron Roozen, Dale Evans, John Jolly, brothers Barry and Paul Talman, Alan (Wally) Tiballs, Graeme Hannel, Cameron Jones, Hewey, Ammitzbol, Maggot, Piercy, the Schaeffer brothers Mick and Dave, oh and the Trickle Brothers etc. Whenever the swell got too big for the beaches facing Bass Strait there would be in invasion of Sorrento and Portsea crew like the Parky bros Mick and Kieth, Septic, Coker, Danny Foley, Zac, Zulu, Andy Batten, etc., but more often at Pines or The Point as they handled any size wave. 
Many long-term campers spawned young surfers as well - Robbie and Gus Tankard, Ian Treloar, Gary and Wayne New, Kelly and Danny Pritchard, Evelyn Vanderaa and siblings Sonia and Leonard, Karen Young and of course Ian 'Mumbles' Mulligan.
A decade or more later, and best known by the tell-tale nickname of "Reefers" (perhaps from their predilection with marijuana use?) the main group of year-round surfers was made up of teenagers and young adults, mostly from Frankston/Seaford who started coming down for the weekends in the early-to-mid-1970s, often sleeping overnight in their panel vans and station wagons to catch the best of the early morning's surf the next day.
Although predominantly surfed by goofy-footers, First Reef attracted aspiring surfers in all forms, giving it a "cosmopolitan" atmosphere unlike any other local break - with goofies, naturals, kneeboarders, mat riders, young and old, male and female, beginners and experienced - and occasionally even the odd bodysurfer. This lent itself to a "carnival" type atmosphere like nowhere else in Westernport Bay, more relaxed and hassle-free than the more dangerous breaks with exposed basalt rocks and often bigger, more powerful waves. On hot summer days when the soft, sandy beach was packed, the overcrowding actually made surfing almost dangerous from the sheer risk of being run over by a wanna-be "surfer" not quite in control of their craft.

The second "wave"

Come the 1980s, an even younger bunch of kids (again mainly from around the Frankston area, it being the most populated city nearby) carless due to age, began hitchhiking down and often wagging school, hanging out at the local store, smoking, skating, clowning around and generally causing much harmless trouble (like sleeping in the empty ice box during winter). Most of them later joined and competed in surf comps in the newly formed Reef Riders Club, a splinter group that broke away from the original surfrider's club (from their homeground at the other main surf break, Suicide Point) unhappy with the way their soon-to-be "arch-rivals" were running things.

The "backwash"

Whether it was crazy weather patterns from global warming, or sea valley silting and shifting seagrass beds from dredging the North Arm and altered tidal circulation - or a combination of all or any of these - no-one knows quite why - but for whatever reason the surf in the bay pretty much just stopped working as much after the 1970s, and everyone serious about their surfing moved their focus to the "Beaches" - the coast area from Cape Schanck to Port Phillip Heads that was exposed to Bass Strait, getting all the swell that had mysteriously disappeared. Point Leo stopped being the hub of surfing on the Peninsula, and both the Reefers and the Pointers found themselves holding their surf competitions more and more away from their home territory. This was actually a good thing because the rapid growth had over-saturated most of the Bay surf spots to the extent that the lousy surf conditions forced a kind of much-needed "evacuation", a purging of sorts. It still gets really crowded when the swell is huge, but that's more a result of the Beaches closing out and being unsurfable than a renewed interest by everyone in wanting to surf the Bay a lot again.

Tuesday, April 04, 2017

Flat Earth Theory. Get off the drugs now, idiot.

Here's your easy guide to find great Flat Earth maps ha ha ha

NASA's International Space Station is a hoax, they didn't land on the Moon, Elvis is still alive hee hee hee

An exercise in rational thinking.. if a plane only needs x000 litres of aviation fuel to fly the 8,000 or so kilometres from Perth to Tierra del Feugo (South America)..... by crossing the South pole... according to Flat Earth theory the plane would run out of fuel and crash... because it has to fly diagonally (ha ha ha) the longer distance from one corner of the map to the other.. Flat Earth theory says that Antarctica is the edge of the map/earth.

Aviation fuel is very expensive. Airline companies make their biggest profit margins by reducing fuel costs. By climbing high into the thin atmosphere where lower gravity and wind resistance saves fuel consumption, and by altering their flight patterns to follow jet streams, trade winds, and local and upper atmosphere weather conditions, they don't always (but nearly almost always) take the shortest route possible. Furthermore, to reduce weight the airplane is only filled with enough fuel to make the journey plus an extra percentage to accommodate holdups circling before landing, changing weather patterns, and other unforseen factors.

Flat Earthers fall flat on their faces when it comes to explaining the economics of flight paths. If the Earth was flat, planes would be falling out of the sky and thousands of people would be dying every day, failing to reach their destinations. It's not 32,000 km from Hobart to Tierra del Fuego, and Quantas only puts enough fuel in to go 10,000 kms. Derr.

Oh and did I forget to mention, when they take off the compass points South, not North. Double derr.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Is History Fake ?

                 (from a fb post 23 Feb, 2014)
It is a well-documented and albeit controversial theory of where and when the Aryans invaded India from the north. There is considerable controversy about Indo/European and Indo/Aryan ancestry and migration. Perhaps it is more accurately deemed a White Supremacist myth,  postulated by recent Christian historians to promote Caucasian superiority and discredit the indigenous people of India. There is in fact no such thing as a race of Aryans, just as there isn't a race of Accountants!  The word 'arya' denotes the quality of lightness, specifically in consciousness and certainly not the hair or skin colour of how 'Aryans' are commonly portrayed. Little is known in the West about 'The History of India' before the successive invasions of the Aryan, Muslim and British Empires. Ancient history as we now know it, is based on evidence. When there is an absence of evidence before a certain time, then that time period is called pre-history. Sounds simple enough.
At the humourous risk of sounding like I'm talking about Cavemen, I'm going to make the assertion that Vedic knowledge is prehistoric. I'm suggesting that the model I was taught in High School - that Mesopotamia was the 'Cradle of Civilisation' -  and indeed was taught in educational institutions around the world at that time, was based on a flawed assumption. Current thinking is that there was no single 'cradle', but several civilisations that developed independently of which the Near Eastern Neolithic was the first. Some of the other known independent 'cradles' are the Indus River of the Indian Subcontinent, Yellow River in China, and the Peruvian and Mesoamerican cultures. Scholars and historians have commonly used writing (amongst various criteria) as a definition of 'civilisation', which is arguably a flawed categorisation as it presumes that earlier cultures lacked sophistication- rather than having no need for writing!
Modern science proposes that various civilisations invented writing as they 'developed'. Consider this widely accepted idea though: prior to this, the tradition in ancient cultures all around the world was to pass on knowledge orally (because they all possessed powerful memories). However, apart from Quarrel and Hypocrisy, another one of the symptoms of the current age Kali Yuga, which began roughly 5,000 years ago, is poor memory. As the faculty of memory diminished, the need arose to write things down so that they wouldn't forget. We all know what that's like.
Furiously disputed by the indigenous peoples of India (as they have 'inside information', where folk-lore has it that the Veda were in existence from at least 6000BC and not the 1500BC that the West guesses they were compiled) the current Western viewpoint of the History of India credits the 'Aryan Invasion' with the development of the Vedas and Hinduism as we know it today, because THEY WERE THE FIRST to write it all down... but it wasn't just an isolated incident. It was happening everywhere out of necessity.
All over the globe, civilisations everywhere that previously relied on the established oral tradition had to find a way to record their knowledge as their memories faltered. From the ancient hieroglyphics of the Egyptians, and the separately developed South American Incas; to the multi-character glyphs of the Orient; and the (no caveman jokes please!) Early European and Australian Aborigine cave paintings - all these cultures independently developed pictorial/written recordings at around the same period, roughly five thousand years ago. I'm suggesting that things were going BACKWARD, not FORWARD, as modern materialistic society would have us believe.
(Curiously this 'advent of writing'  coincides with the astrological Great Age of Gemini which ended about six thousand years ago (c.6000 - 4000BC) which rules the hands and communication. No-one knows how long the Chinese existed before records were kept. The Australian Aborigines, as far as we can tell, migrated in at least two or three waves, from at least forty thousand years ago to eighty or a hundred and twenty thousand depending on your leaning.)
This FORWARD PROGRESSION concept of human development is fabricated to fit in with the Darwinian theory. Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle if I'm gonna fall for that theoretical pseudo-science. Hang on a sec - no I won't (insert your own caveman joke HERE). Sure, we've made wonderful advances in medicine, technology, the arts etc yet at the same time millions of  people in society are becoming increasingly alienated from natural lifestyles,  billions of people are still suffering all over the world, and we've managed to wipe out a huge fraction of species of life in our relentless pursuit of PROGRESS.
Time for ... (?)

[ although I can claim authorship for this (it took me quite a while cos I get a bit OCD about spelling and grammar) I must confess that the ideas aren't really mine. I've just taken bits I've read from various sources and tried to correlate it into one congruous piece. I'll try to add more later ]

Monday, January 16, 2017

Indology schmology

This has to be one of the jewels in the lotus on the Internet. It exposes, among other things, the fabricated history of India and how it has been systematically re-written, altered and corrupted by European Historians, mostly British and German Christians. This false 'knowledge' is taught in educational institutions around the world to this day and is only now being challenged thanks largely to the internet spreading this exposure. Racist Eurocentric White Supremacist Indologists - they even created a whole new branch of 'science' to deal with the task - have moved forward the dates of the Vedas by centuries, sometimes millenia, so that they post-date the Biblical Flood in an attempt to maintain their superior roost on the Perch of Spiritual Hierarchy. Not only do they mess with the ancient Sanskrit texts  they also misinterpret them and change what they say – spectacularly capping that off with the whole meaning being lost in translation.

Kama Sutra - a sex manual, right? That's exactly what they would have you believe. Nothing could be further from the truth. It's actually about how to NOT achieve orgasm. Instead it describes in detail, complete with illustrations (I know what you're thinking!) how to develop higher spiritual awareness using the yogic technique of avoiding temptation to raise the kundalini up through the chakras by not succumbing to the urge to gratify the senses. Tantra Yoga or something (don't know much about it). So these "expert" Indologists twist the meaning and make it look like some sort of perverted orgiastic ritual. Far from it!

Oh, let's not forget yogis flying around on magic carpets, snake charmers playing their pungis (an oboe-like wind instrument) and the famous Indian Rope Trick where a rope is magically made to rise up vertically, the Magi's assistant then to climb up it and subsequently disappear into the heavens. Harems, hookahs and hashish! And don't forget that the idiot Hindus are all vegetarians! And they worship inanimate stone statues as being God! Fools and idolaters! Superstitious morons! Their Gods are really Satan in disguise!  We'll show them who is superior - us with our One and Only True God!

I may sound irreverent, having a go at Chritianity. I'm not. I'm criticising the Eurocentric Christian White Supremacists, otherwise known as Historians, who blasphemously create a false account of India and its history because it challenges their dubious religious superiority.

As with everything on the net, please read it with due skepticism. Skepticism is a good thing, a mark of intelligence where gullibility will falter. And of course I don't endorse all of the views expressed by all of the authors on this or any other blog. I hope you enjoy your reading.

Quincunctial map of Earth. (Notice Antarctica cut up into 4 quarters in the corners.)

Saturday, January 07, 2017

CAGW, The New One-eyed Religion

It used to be that if you grew your hair long, smoked joints and became a tree-hugging vegetarian you were then criticised, ridiculed and ostracised by the general public for being a threat to society.

The general consensus THEN was that anyone who questioned the accepted norm and exercised their individual choice was inconsiderate, immoral, and irresponsibly antisocial, putting the lives of others in jeopardy by acting so selfishly. T
hese days it's something else.
The same shit gets dumped on you if you hold an opinion that goes against the norm. Just because nearly everyone agrees on something doesn't mean they're right, even if they are 'expert' scientists.
Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle before I ever accept the ridiculous Darwinian theory of evolution. Or let any one-eyed religious fanatic rant on about how their God is The One True God and all other Gods are false. Or listen to a dietician lecture me about how vegetarians don't get enough protein or how butter is bad for you.

Most diseases were almost eradicated BEFORE the vaxx. 

So let me get this straight. I think every parent should be free not to vaccinate their child without being penalised by having their social rights, liberties and opportunities taken away from them. To all those rabid provaxxers who viciously attack such parents, why are you so afraid if your holy vaccine is so goddam  effective? Shouldn't you instead be calm and quietly comfortable that your precious child is protected?

Weather changes constantly - so does climate. 

Let me get another thing straight. I am not a climate change denier. I like the variety of life experience that changing weather surprises us with. Personally I don't really think it matters at all whether the globe is warming or cooling. After all, it has been doing that for millions of years without completely wiping out Life On Earth. I'll leave all of that to the wisdom of Mother Nature.
I just don't blindly buy the "catastrophic" Al Gore bit (have you seen his power bills?), the same way I don't believe it is purely man-made (anthropogenic). CAGW, or Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming is the term "truthers" use to describe "alarmist"  agenda about climate change. "Denier" or "Climate Change skeptic" are derogatory terms used to disrespect anyone who dares to challenge the sacrosanct "science" of CAGW.
For cripes ache, no-one can even predict tomorrow's weather properly. Storms can spontaneously arise out of nowhere as much as they can suddenly vanish. Experts. Yeah. In the 70's these experts were whispering about a possible Ice Age coming.....
And another thing. Or two.
New World Order conspiracy? It's called capitalism (typed lower case as as my own personal protest!). Yep, that's how the world has been run for centuries. Don't like it? Go and live on a commune and be self-sufficient. Oh and before you leave, hand in all your tech.
World War 3? Maybe. The second coming of the Messiah (nothing to do with Donald Trump). Mass destruction of the planet by nuclear warfare (well, maybe Trump there!). Back to the commune again, this time with the obligatory Bomb Shelter.
Workplace environment making you sick? Autoimmune diseases on the rise? Peanuts, anaphylaxis anyone? Autism, MRSA, Ziva virus, Ebola? Get out of the city, spend time at a Wellness Retreat, harmonise with nature. Go hug a tree...

Medical Marijuana is useless as a recreational drug! 

Medical Marijuana? Cannabidiol (CBD) and other non-psychotropic cannabinoids that don't get you high have many times the therapeutic uses that THC lacks (TetraHydraCannabinol is what gets stoners high). Botanically and psychoactively antagonistic, CBD only occurs in hybridised strains low in THC (the two can't &coexist& in the same plant). Plants are either high in CBD or THC, never both.
Both THC and CBD reduce pain and nausea and increase appetite. THC only covers this small amount of the therapeutic spectrum. CBD on the other hand reduces anxiety, inflammation, psychosis (it is an antidote to schizophrenia triggered by by marijuana use), seizures, muscle spasms, blood sugar and fights bacteria, cancer cells, tumours, and promotes bone growth. There are many other non-psychotropic cannabinoids with medical properties to aid sleep, suppress appetite, treat fungal infections and who knows what else. But not THC.
The best Medical Marijuana doesn't get anyone high and should therefore be legal. Stoners who try to legalise dope cannot use this argument because all the non-psychotropic forms of cannabis cover everything that dope has, plus much more dope hasn't.

Think about it for a minute... 

Petrol crisis? Remember we all bought 4-cylinder cars, sucked in! Alien invasion? Still waiting. Flat Earth? Hollow Earth? Everything orbits the Earth? (it took a while, but eventually the Church admitted they were wrong)....
Embrace Climate Change. Pay Carbon Tax. Buy more expensive Green electricity. Go Paleo. Eat meat. Legalise marijuana. Vaccinate your child. Take modern medicines without questioning your doctor. They know best. Just don't remind them about what's happened because of over-prescribed antibiotics. Or Thalidomide, Vioxx, anticholinergics, statins, etc etc etc. The list goes on and on, how you should conform - and don't even think about it!