It used to be that if you grew your hair long, smoked joints and became a tree-hugging vegetarian you were then criticised, ridiculed and ostracised by the general public for being a threat to society.
The general consensus THEN was that anyone who questioned the accepted norm and exercised their individual choice was inconsiderate, immoral, and irresponsibly antisocial, putting the lives of others in jeopardy by acting so selfishly. These days it's something else.
The same shit gets dumped on you if you hold an opinion that goes against the norm. Just because nearly everyone agrees on something doesn't mean they're right, even if they are 'expert' scientists.
Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle before I ever accept the ridiculous Darwinian theory of evolution. Or let any one-eyed religious fanatic rant on about how their God is The One True God and all other Gods are false. Or listen to a dietician lecture me about how vegetarians don't get enough protein or how butter is bad for you.
Most diseases were almost eradicated BEFORE the vaxx.
Most diseases were almost eradicated BEFORE the vaxx.
So let me get this straight. I think every parent should be free not to vaccinate their child without being penalised by having their social rights, liberties and opportunities taken away from them. To all those rabid provaxxers who viciously attack such parents, why are you so afraid if your holy vaccine is so goddam effective? Shouldn't you instead be calm and quietly comfortable that your precious child is protected?
Weather changes constantly - so does climate.
Weather changes constantly - so does climate.

Let me get another thing straight. I am not a climate change denier. I like the variety of life experience that changing weather surprises us with. Personally I don't really think it matters at all whether the globe is warming or cooling. After all, it has been doing that for millions of years without completely wiping out Life On Earth. I'll leave all of that to the wisdom of Mother Nature.
I just don't blindly buy the "catastrophic" Al Gore bit (have you seen his power bills?), the same way I don't believe it is purely man-made (anthropogenic). CAGW, or Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming is the term "truthers" use to describe "alarmist" agenda about climate change. "Denier" or "Climate Change skeptic" are derogatory terms used to disrespect anyone who dares to challenge the sacrosanct "science" of CAGW.
For cripes ache, no-one can even predict tomorrow's weather properly. Storms can spontaneously arise out of nowhere as much as they can suddenly vanish. Experts. Yeah. In the 70's these experts were whispering about a possible Ice Age coming.....
And another thing. Or two.
New World Order conspiracy? It's called capitalism (typed lower case as as my own personal protest!). Yep, that's how the world has been run for centuries. Don't like it? Go and live on a commune and be self-sufficient. Oh and before you leave, hand in all your tech.
World War 3? Maybe. The second coming of the Messiah (nothing to do with Donald Trump). Mass destruction of the planet by nuclear warfare (well, maybe Trump there!). Back to the commune again, this time with the obligatory Bomb Shelter.
Workplace environment making you sick? Autoimmune diseases on the rise? Peanuts, anaphylaxis anyone? Autism, MRSA, Ziva virus, Ebola? Get out of the city, spend time at a Wellness Retreat, harmonise with nature. Go hug a tree...
Medical Marijuana is useless as a recreational drug!
Medical Marijuana? Cannabidiol (CBD) and other non-psychotropic cannabinoids that don't get you high have many times the therapeutic uses that THC lacks (TetraHydraCannabinol is what gets stoners high). Botanically and psychoactively antagonistic, CBD only occurs in hybridised strains low in THC (the two can't &coexist& in the same plant). Plants are either high in CBD or THC, never both.
Both THC and CBD reduce pain and nausea and increase appetite. THC only covers this small amount of the therapeutic spectrum. CBD on the other hand reduces anxiety, inflammation, psychosis (it is an antidote to schizophrenia triggered by by marijuana use), seizures, muscle spasms, blood sugar and fights bacteria, cancer cells, tumours, and promotes bone growth. There are many other non-psychotropic cannabinoids with medical properties to aid sleep, suppress appetite, treat fungal infections and who knows what else. But not THC.
The best Medical Marijuana doesn't get anyone high and should therefore be legal. Stoners who try to legalise dope cannot use this argument because all the non-psychotropic forms of cannabis cover everything that dope has, plus much more dope hasn't.
Think about it for a minute...
Petrol crisis? Remember we all bought 4-cylinder cars, sucked in! Alien invasion? Still waiting. Flat Earth? Hollow Earth? Everything orbits the Earth? (it took a while, but eventually the Church admitted they were wrong)....
Embrace Climate Change. Pay Carbon Tax. Buy more expensive Green electricity. Go Paleo. Eat meat. Legalise marijuana. Vaccinate your child. Take modern medicines without questioning your doctor. They know best. Just don't remind them about what's happened because of over-prescribed antibiotics. Or Thalidomide, Vioxx, anticholinergics, statins, etc etc etc. The list goes on and on, how you should conform - and don't even think about it!
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