The Left-wing and Centrist ('normal') narrative is that the Great Reset, the official name of the June 2020 meeting of the World Economic Forum, is a response to the pandemic where various measures to implement recovery were discussed.
Along comes 'radical activism'. The Far-Right and even some Extreme-Left narrative is that Covid-19 is a bioweapon CREATED to deliberately CAUSE the need for The Great Reset.
Sounds like the old "which came first, the chicken or the egg" paradox… so what exactly is this Great Reset? It's supposed to be about reshaping the world, with catchphrases like 'stakeholder economy', 'green growth', the 'Fourth Industrial Revolution', 'computerised mechanisation and manufacturing' and many more, involving 5G telecommunications, the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, robotics, 3-D printing and lots of other space age technologies.
The altruistic concept is to create a fairer world economy that uses sustainable development to recover from the pandemic. The Alt-Right ideology doesn't believe any of this and says it is all about population control, wealth redistribution and the New World Order taking away our liberties and making us slaves. Coming from that is the anti-vax stance, lockdown protests and general non-compliance with laws brought in by governments to counter the spread of the pandemic.
So are the Far-Right helping or making things worse? Hmmm..
It is very feasible that this novel covid-19, the 7th strain of coronavirus known so far, is entirely natural in origin (the first 4 cause the common cold and are thousands of years old; the other two are 21st century 'mutations' MERS and SARS). A third theory is that it was deliberately leaked from a Wuhan lab so the Chinese could take over the world by destroying the economies of all the other nations. That one is far, far scarier than the Far-Right conspiracy.
In the past we have successfully used vaccines to deal with diseases like polio and measles and to eradicate smallpox. The problem with covid-19 is that vaccines aren't so effective against airborne viruses that infect the respiratory tract. These viral infections are much harder to control, like the way influenza mutates so constantly that each season, flu vaccine effectiveness varies anywhere from 10% to 60%!
In any case, by far the smartest thing anyone can do is to strengthen our front line of defence - our immune system - and in the famous words of Benjamin Franklin, "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure".
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