Wednesday, June 09, 2021

'Country' is now .com

DYK: originally internet sites had a simple suffix like .com cos they were all in the USA. Nowadays it should be for the septic tanks. 

Now we have separate domain suffixes (ccTLDs) for each country. One day the Official Office for Political Correctness and Cancel Culture (OOPCCC) will adjust this xenophobic anomaly and like the covid-19 variants that have been assigned Greek letters of the alphabet (short for alpha and beta, the first two letters) the OOPCCC will annihilate any reference to country.

This will greatly annoy Australian Aborigines who delight in making constant reference "to country". In future this will be referenced as "to .com" with no suffix. Traditional owners will be replaced by URLs and servers as the soon to be extinct culture is effectively 'dead'.

Poor choice of words I know because of the connotations of genocide. Regardless, Latin and Sanskrit are considered 'Dead Languages' and I see no reason to classify native culture as alive as it is 99.9% only practised ceremoniously. When was the last time you saw a Koori draped in wallaby skins with a spear in hand hunting warrigul? Smoking gum trees aside, there is little that remains.

Of course one could argue that colonisation wiped out their livelihood, decimated the countryside and demolished their lifestyles so they can no longer exist in the traditional way. Which is entirely true. And so is the claim that Aboriginal culture is dead - a remnant that exists only in museums and in the odd fragmented outskirts of Never-Never Land. 

Which brings me to my next point - how geographical isolation has similarly dissolved (like melting ice) in the 20,000 years since the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). We see globalisation and interbreeding that is unheralded in times past. Cultures and ethnic groups have survived cut off from each other in the past, but recent technological developments have brought everyone together. Indeed it is entirely foreseeable that at some point in the future racial, nay, genetic distinctions may entirely disappear. 

Surely as a human race (I use the term loosely as there is no scientific genetic basis for human races) we can all envisage ourselves as moving towards one great big melting pot of humanity. Barring some monumental catastrophe or world war it is an inevitable, logical progression. It is geographical isolation alone that is responsible for skin colour. There is no gene. Same for hair type, eyelid shape, you name it.

I cannot stress this point enough to any of you anthropologists out there. The biblical (and Vedic) references to a Great Flood bear many similarities to the Big Melt after the LGM. Consider that when (and if) the world froze over, cultures and civilizations were forced to retreat (head for the hills?) and got cut off from each other, leading to a loss of connection, cultural lore and social progress. Effectively this is the origin of the supposed Cave Man concept.

Now consider this. One theory is that the Himalayas are the only major mountain chain that runs east/west and affords protection from advancing glaciation. This left the Indian Subcontinent warm, fertile, and hospitable - and culturally connected. This is the basis of their claims to being the oldest civilization on Earth.

However, a potential flaw in that theory presents itself as the Urals and Mongolian Ranges which may have afforded Orientals with a similar survival opportunity - even if they were 'cut off' from India. Likewise we have Australia - and Africa - not connected to the Poles in any way, and unlikely to suffer glaciation except in the vicinity of Mt Kilimanjaro perhaps (the highlands of Australia are actually lowlands in comparison, Mt Kosciuszko is but a pimple on the landscape). To a smaller extent we have the Swiss Alps sheltering Italy and Greece. No doubt Scandinavia didn't fare too well… 

... or it is why they are so hardy! Those Vikings! 

Realistically it is only the Americas with the North-South chain of the Andes that have this LGM doomsday feature. Perhaps that explains the push for the theory. Anyfuckenwhatever, we have these indisputable facts:

1. At the time of the LGM, cultures were geographically separated/isolated.

2. Due to lower sea levels (from glaciation) there were land bridges that have now disappeared that facilitated intercontinental migration.

3. With successive generations of localised interbreeding, distinct physical characteristics became identifiable. 

4. Due to tunnel vision of 'scientists' this led to the spurious 'Race Theory', now proven false. 

5. Martians are preoccupied with anal probing. Not true, I just thought this discussion was getting boring and needed a bit of spicing up. 

6. As a historical account, the Bible and its Great Flood may be chronologically incorrect but otherwise may indeed be factual. 

7. Regarding Darwin's evolution theory, the LGM might explain how he got it so wrong. There is no evidence of one species morphing into another. This is parallel to H.G.Wells or Isaac Asimov science fiction. Where is the Missing Link? It has never been answered. There are no fish whose scales turn into feathers and they end up flying.

8. Questionable, but worth considering: if in fact folk had better memories in olden days (pre LGM), that would explain why oral tradition played such a huge part and writing was an unnecessary 'development'.

9. Progress is actually the opposite. We are killing off the very thing that sustains us. Pollution, toxic waste, deforestation, species extinction, loss of habitat, loss of plain fucking sense.

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