Wednesday, November 25, 2020

We choose our mindset and therefore our karma/future/destiny

Research reveals that if a reader doesn't agree with what an author writes they will quickly move onto something else. You only have a few chances to grab their attention somehow. By the third sentence you've either lost them or won them over.

They call this selective '_ _ _ _ _ _ _' (insert noun here). It may be selective cognition, selective attention, selective perception, selective reasoning based on selective recall, or how about this one - selective memory, often used by politicians when sitting in the witness box.

We know what we like and don't like. These preferences dictate pretty much the whole of our lives. It is only when we face a dilemma - when the feedback from reality says it isn't working - that we take the time to look deeper or explore outside of ourselves for other possibilities. 

Sense gratification involves our sense organs, the object of our senses, and the network of nerves that connects it all to our brain via electrochemical stimuli. Different stimuli produces different hormones and complex molecular compounds which then affect our mood. Like rats up the proverbial labratory corridor we are treated by commercial interests as mere money-making lifeforms that predictably repeat the same things over and over. For those moguls it is simple - give the consumer what they want and the public will hand over their money without so much as a blink of the eye.

Now.. if you have read this far it means you are most likely open to suggestions about how you can change your life. I'm not going to sell you anything. I'm not going to waste my time trying to get you to agree with my way of thinking. All I am going to do is respect you because you are aware that you have choices in life and know you don't have to react knee-jerk fashion to social elbowing, including the latest fashion, popular buzz words, facebook memes and trending wokeisms.

Congratulations. Keep up the good work. Most don't even realise they have choices!

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