We like to think there is sanity in choice.
This is how we define ourselves, determine our future - as if we have some sort of control over our destiny.
When we roll up to the electoral polling booth to cross our name off, how much does our vote actually count? Do we really have a say?
I am so sick of hearing Americans complain about their President. After all, you voted him in, only to now protest. Are you mad? Dysfunctional yankees, I say!
Even worse is the mongering of unelected Pry Ministers, shoved up in the ranks by the Old Boys Club cohorts, insider politicking at its worst. We didn't vote for these emerging ghosts, yet they appear out of nowhere and seize the throne.
How dare they! We didn't elect them! Rack off, Scott Morrison! And you too, Peter Dutton! You are like dog droppings on the footpath, picked up unwittingly on the passing pedestrian shoe, previous unknowns dredged from the muck to represent the new face of "The Party".
Theatrics, orchestrastions, stage presentations.
I vote informal, ha ha. Or as they say - vote early; vote often.
Well thanks but no thanks 😉 I have no political aspirations, especially not in India ha ha.
Śrīla Prabhupāda summed it up very well in his criticism of Gandhi and his backward interpretation of Bhagavad-Gītā. The ultimate instruction is for Arjuna to "get up and fight" yet somehow Gandhi twisted the Gita to be an example of non-violence. Nothing could be further from the truth. Arjuna as a kshatriya, warrior class, had to carry out his duty and fight. There is no way around this. Yet Gandhi manufactured his own opinion and completely reversed the meaning with his aparadha interpretation, unauththorised and without precedent.
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