There is no way to prove God doesn't exist.
Noumena - "the thing-in-itself", or that which exists independently of observation.
A Kantian term, somewhat refering to the description in the Bhagavad-gita of the Supreme Absolute Truth - that summum bonum which is beyond the power of the senses to see or to know yet pervades everything known and unknown in all the Universe(s).
Proof, whether in science, logic, or reasoning, is reliant on observations of phenomena - the opposite of noumena.
Philosophers argue that experience is the best teacher. One does not have to quantify an experience to prove that it happened. It is purely subjective. However, statistics in databases, being objective, have nothing to do with noumena - it is only a tally of phenomena.
All spiritually advanced souls, regardless of religion, creed, level of transcendence or attainment of Self-realisation agree on one thing - that there is more to the reality of existence than meets the eye. No matter which aspect of God they witness, whether it be an impersonal Light, the Wholeness of Creation, the Harmony of the Universe, a form of Divine Energy, an Angelic Being, The Supreme Person, or whatever or whoever, it makes no difference.
They all agree that that noumena is beyond the senses to see or to know and therefore will never be scientifically proven.
That science cannot prove God in no way means that God does not exist. The only thing it proves is that they (scientists) are limited in the scope of what they can prove - and it stops at phenomena.