To all my stoner friends lost.. if you don't like my posts and therefore unfollow me on Farceboof cos you can't stand having your little dreamworlds shattered by the cold hard truth...
What kind of fantasy land are you living in?
There is a HUGE difference between stoner dope and medical marijuana. Please... stay with this, educate yourself!
Alright then, you don't wanna hear it? It's your choice. And it's my freedom to teach what I have learnt, to express my opinion. There is even scientific evidence that says cannabis is WORSE than both tobacco and alcohol as a carcinogen. (Quick get off this page if you want to keep your precious fallacies!)
If you don't know what that means then please educate yourself. It is impossible for a single cannabis plant to contain high levels of both CBD and THC at the same time!
Both CBD and THC derive from a 'base molecule' early in the development of the seedling, and depending on the strain (this is where selective breeding cones in, the true origin of "medical marijuana"!) the plant turns either way (it cannot do both) to make one gene dominant at the biological exclusion of the other. They are antagonistic botanically in that they prevent the sibling cannabinoid from multiplying; and psychotropically in that CBD is the antidote for THC-induced schizophrenia. If someone is freaking out on hash - give them CBD and it will bring them down, back to reality. Conversely, high-CBD dope (aka medical marijuana) will not get you high. Ever.
I enjoy reading about and educating myself about the dangers of alcohol, my personal choice of drug. And so should you, my friend, if you want to be informed and aware in regards to whatever you are currently imbibing with, whether it be legal prescription drugs or illegal street junk. No-one listens to a lecture on the perils of drug experimentation as a teenager but, friends, we are way beyond that excuse and know better.
There are so many myths associated with fake MM (I'm sick of calling it the bandied bullshit misnomer) that are not just dishonest but plain dangerous and about as dumb as thinking you can't get aids from sharing a needle while shoooting up heroin because you're wearing a condom on your cock¹
What kind of fantasy land are you living in?
There is a HUGE difference between stoner dope and medical marijuana. Please... stay with this, educate yourself!
Alright then, you don't wanna hear it? It's your choice. And it's my freedom to teach what I have learnt, to express my opinion. There is even scientific evidence that says cannabis is WORSE than both tobacco and alcohol as a carcinogen. (Quick get off this page if you want to keep your precious fallacies!)
If stoner dope cured cancer....
THC doesn't stop cancer but CBD does. That explains why The 'Reverend' Bob Marley died so young. So for cripes ache if you've got cancer, please don't foolishly guffaw down your bud thinking it's going to save you. It won't - because if it gets you stoned then it is low in cannabidiol, the anti-cancer constituent of cannabis.THE TWO COMPOUNDS ARE BOTANICALLY AND PSYCHOTROPICALLY ANTAGONISTIC.
If you don't know what that means then please educate yourself. It is impossible for a single cannabis plant to contain high levels of both CBD and THC at the same time!
Both CBD and THC derive from a 'base molecule' early in the development of the seedling, and depending on the strain (this is where selective breeding cones in, the true origin of "medical marijuana"!) the plant turns either way (it cannot do both) to make one gene dominant at the biological exclusion of the other. They are antagonistic botanically in that they prevent the sibling cannabinoid from multiplying; and psychotropically in that CBD is the antidote for THC-induced schizophrenia. If someone is freaking out on hash - give them CBD and it will bring them down, back to reality. Conversely, high-CBD dope (aka medical marijuana) will not get you high. Ever.
I enjoy reading about and educating myself about the dangers of alcohol, my personal choice of drug. And so should you, my friend, if you want to be informed and aware in regards to whatever you are currently imbibing with, whether it be legal prescription drugs or illegal street junk. No-one listens to a lecture on the perils of drug experimentation as a teenager but, friends, we are way beyond that excuse and know better.
There are so many myths associated with fake MM (I'm sick of calling it the bandied bullshit misnomer) that are not just dishonest but plain dangerous and about as dumb as thinking you can't get aids from sharing a needle while shoooting up heroin because you're wearing a condom on your cock¹
- Please report any incidence of this ever happening here