Farceboof doesn't hide 3/4 of a worded post, so here it is in photo format so you have no excuse for not reading it. (#Qanda topic: Gay Mirage Plebiscite)
I was surfing telly late last night and found ABC1's Q&A was milking the "gay marriage" plebiscite theme. Everyone knows that THAT program is STACKED for a preset biased outcome. Anyone who opposes "CONSENSUS" (consensus being a 'loaded word', meaning not only the majority of agreed opinion but also what the Government want you to believe) with contrary views is only on this show to be used as a punching bag. They are neither given balanced representation on the panel, nor the numbers in the audience to cheer them on, only a consensus majority to boo them down.
This show isn't a debate, it's a show of hands. A show masquerading as a debate. An organised propaganda campaign. If you watch this show expecting to see a fair exchange of ideas you are going to be seriously disappointed. I used quotation marks for "gay marriage" to represent gayyag mirrorage because it is an oxymoron.
Please understand that I support full legal status for whatever gender Civil Unions, Betrothals, Weddings, etc. and that I speak English and know what the word marriage means. There can never be such a thing as "gay marriage" because it is an oxymoron, like an "honest liar" or a "cruel pacifist". The etymology of marriage indicates two people of either gender. If you study the linguistic roots of the word 'marriage' this will become quite clear. To get it to refer to a bi-gender union - and, for that matter, union between two hermaphrodites or even transvestites - you have to twist its meaning somewhat - for instance, like 'phobia' now means disapproval instead of fear, as in 'homophobia'. But I can honestly say that some butch lesbians and some limp fops scare the shit out of me.
As soon as I saw that lava flow aka Magma Shebangszki and learnt she was going to speak about gayyag mirrorage I felt sick and couldn't find the channel button fast enough. Let me make this quite clear - I have no idea why she was ever in comedy. She is one of the unfunniest people ever on television and I certainly don't consider her a comedienne or, to be absurdly politically correct, a comedian. I don't hate homosexuals, and "some of my best friends are gay", but do I want to hear her views on why anyone, male or female, should be allowed to 'marry' her? What a travesty of justice that life sentence would be! (that's a joke, peoples...)
Bigot, n. One who holds irrespective of reason, & attaches disproportionate weight to, some creed or point of view [16th cent. from French; origin unknown] Oxford English Dictionary.
And let's clear one thing up: being opposed to same-sex "marriage" does not make you a bigot. It means that you hold an opinion that some people don't like. They don't question their right to not like your opinion yet they think you don't have a right to be contrary. NOW, spot the bigot!