Friday, May 15, 2015

Part 1: The 432Hz tuning theory

The 432 Hertz Tuning Theory Part 1 (of 3).
 Is it just garbage, superstition swallowed by those who can't think logically? Yet another conspiracy theory? With all due respect... Let's explore the possibilities.

[# worth noting from the outset: the only scale you'll find that has C=256Hz and A=432Hz is PYTHAGOREAN - and virtually NO-ONE uses that temperament now, not even New Age 432ers!]

Okay, first, to set a few things straight. A Hertz is a value of so many cycles per second, (picture a wiggly sine wave and count the crests) used to measure the pitch of musical notes. Nothing magical about that. So what is a second? Apart from being 1/60th of a minute, and 1/3600th of an hour, 1/86400th of a day, 1/31536000th of a solar year - one can go on forever searching for a cosmic connection - is the second an arbitrary human invention of significance? So when talking about tuning a musical instrument to the pitch of A=432Hz, we're saying that it is vibrating at 432 cycles per second, which in itself is meaningless apart from being a handy reference point.

There is, however, some significance of the number 432, especially according to the Vedic Scriptures of ancient India. It is a multiple of 108, and both numbers crop up time and time again in different ways. The Jyotish section that deals with astronomy talks about the distance between the Sun and the Earth and other planets as 108 times the diameter of each celestial body. When Krishna appeared on this planet 5,000 years ago, He was reputed to have 16,108 wives, of who 108 were considered special favourites. Hare Krsna devotees chant the mantra on a string of 108 beads, and four such rounds (making 432) constitute a grantha. The four ages used to reckon Earth time are multiples of 432,000 years. Other examples of Vedic numbers said to possess special powers are multiples, especially three or more, such as 111 and 7777, etc. Such numbers are considered to have an auspicious quality, inviting good fortune - or simply what we as westerners call a lucky number.

The traditional method (according to of tuning to pitch as used historically by learned Vedic musicians was by meditation, (the heart chakra being resonant with the vibration of the Earth orbiting the Sun) perceived/received as a note equivalent to C# at, and I stress, this is only their opinion, as it is a little too convenient to be blindly accepted as it's hard to verify, 136.1 Hz. (hear it here). The problem I have with this being the principle behind the 432 method is of how this C# note is referenced to A. It only works using the Equal Temperment system as used in the West which certainly wasn't around when mystic yogis were flying around on magic carpets!  You can check this by setting your tuner (try the Waves app, it's great) to A=432Hz instead of the default 440, and of course it will give the value of C# as 136.1Hz. The spiritual music of the East is based on harmonic resonance, the notes determined by ratios which is why the sitar has moveable frets, unlike the machinelike division of the Octave into equal parts in Equal Temperament. You may be familiar with the child's toy which consists of a simple corrugated plastic pipe, not unlike a vacuum cleaner hose, which is vigorously twirled around the body to produce a musical note that changes according to speed. This natural phenomena is the organic basis of music. Using the ratio method of harmonic tuning, if you call C# (the sadje, or father note, the basis of the sitar) the third note of the A major scale, you obtain the value 135Hz for C# using the ratio 5:4 for major thirds. Correspondingly calling C# the Tonic or root note of the scale means that A becomes the minor sixth note, therefore the ratio 5:3 gives an A note of 435.52Hz, not the 432 hertz touted by conspiracy theorists. Either way there is a discrepancy. So much for their being "in tune with the Universe via the Heart Chakra"?

(Edit: this system clearly breaks down using ratios to determine notes that naturally vibrate in harmony. Mathematically it only stacks up using Equal Temperament, but then all the notes are  slightly out of tune, as far as frequencies vibrating together, synchronously in harmony with each other. Well pardon me, but isn't that what music is all about?)

To illustrate the potential absurdity of ascribing a magical power of so many vibrations PER SECOND, we need to be very careful, lest we fall into the unsafe practice of "magical thinking" (a term used in  psychological character analysis). Perhaps if the frequency was calculated using Vedic time divisions there could be some sort of better argument? As it turns out, the second being related to the Vedic unit, my fears were unfounded! The closest counterparts are a smaller fraction, a 'vipala' at 4/10ths of a second, and the next proximal value is a 'prana', of 4 seconds duration. (Incidentally, the smallest time value used in Vedic calculation is this: 100 lotus petals stacked on top of each other, pierced by a needle as fast as possible - the time taken to go through one petal - 1/33,750ths of a second). Anyway, using this method of 432÷4/10ths actually surprised me as it gave an exact result - 172.8Hz is F in the 432 method, but only if you're using the Western Equal Temperament System. This is an unreconcilable anomaly because the two systems aren't complimentary. "Never the twain shall meet"

As for the anti-fascist cr?p floating around about Hitler's implementation of the reference standard of A=440Hz to control people by making them ill and weak or some such nonsense - it was being used way before he was even born! The Europeans adopted it in the 1830's for orchestras, although they now tune slightly flatter at around 435 vibrations per second, and yet others such as the Boston Symphony Orchestra tune higher at 444Hz to get a brighter, "livelier" sound. To this day in Austria at the revered home of classical music, you can pick up a phone in Vienna and dial 1507 and hear the pitch of A=435Hz. The American Federation of Musicians adopted the 440Hz standard in 1917, and in the year that war broke out, 1939, it was internationally accepted. Herr Hitler may very well have played a role in that as part of worldwide agreement but saying that he is responsible for it being used as a tool for control of the masses is quite fanciful by any stretch of the imagination, unless he had the final casting vote,  or power to veto (on a side note, notice how the words vote and veto have the same letters? That's how "magical thinking" can lead you astray). Honestly, some people (me included) would be a lot better off not doing drugs and the internet at the same time.

You can see the results of a study conducted to statistically determine if different tunings had any effect or made a difference. Bear in mind that it was looking for negative results.   source

The test subjects listened to samples of the same song at different pitch shifts. I do question the validity of such a test result when the song used is familiar and therefore would sound "wrong" in a different pitch, to practically everyone except the most tone deaf. Still, it's interesting to note that lowering the pitch was dramatically more popular than raising it - giving some credence to the current fad of it being hip to prefer the 432 tuning.

But wait, there's more.. Yet again is another standard called amongst other names the Scientific or Philosopher's method of tuning, based on multiples of numbers which gives A=426.6 recurring as the value generated by the "Pythagorean" triangle. I've put the name in quotation marks because Pythagoras didn't come up with the idea at all - it was lifted from the Vedas where it appeared hundreds of years before in the writings of Shulba Sutra by Baudhayana, 8th century BC. As a long time fan of alternative tunings especially non-ET, I don't dismiss using 432 hertz as a reference point as long as it is used with harmonic ratio tunings. I find the C and E on keyboards annoyingly out of tune, to the point of questioning whether pianists are even musicians. Perhaps ambidextrous sequential note demonstrators would be a better term. Play any major third interval on an organ and you will hear the distinctly unpleasant  wobbling or oscillation from the wavelengths clashing because they're out of period frequency with each other - to the value of 13%, enough to produce such an effect. Now, THAT, I believe, is enough to make the general population ill and weak - but you can blame whoever invented equal temperament for that, not Hitler.

(much later edit: I found this which covers similar ground but in a snobby atheistic s??t-head know-all egotistical manner and mood. It actually made me rethink about everything I said, just because this person sounds like a real a??hole. He fails to grasp the spiritual significance of the vibration Om - or is ignorant and doesn't even know what it is and how it is connected. I am HOWEVER now even more convinced that in adopting the C#=136.1Hz tuning [if that really is the pitch of ॐ] unless Equal Temperament is thrown out and replaced with Pure Tuning, aka Just Intonation,  everything "gained" is lost to the "out-of-tuneness" of the scale) 

Part 2: The 432Hz tuning theory

The 432Hz Tuning Theory Part 2.

More on the 432Hz tuning controversy! (you might do well to read my earlier post to get up to speed)

[# it's worth noting from the outset: the only scale you'll find that has C=256Hz and A=432Hz is PYTHAGOREAN - and virtually NO-ONE uses that temperament now, not even New Age 432ers!]

#Edit - Wed 7th May: Good news, everyone! I am very pleased to report that I have located the source of the disturbance. It's Amanda Bossman (I have deliberately avoided using their "real" name) - Charlatan, New Age Entrepreneur, 'Inventor' of the 432Hz Swindle, Trance Music Wanker-Shaman. Has at least half a dozen websites.

 On another New Age site for $50 you can buy a "spiritual healing" tuning fork in any colour of the rainbow, supposedly at the frequency of ॐ (claimed to be 136.10 Hz.)  and hold it over various parts of the body to balance your chakras with the "Cosmic Healing Force of Universal Vibration of the Heralded Adepts and Secret Masters of Ancient Wisdom or Whatever". Sorry, it's a "true" story, but I'll try to be serious.

Apparently, this figure represents the vibration of the Earth's orbital journey around the Sun. The website you can get this from (or the forks) uses incorrect data, so I've re-done the maths so you can see for yourself how it's done (this is conveniently left out which I found annoying) and you can therefore check the accuracy for yourself. I used wiki.

One Earth Year = 365.242190402 days. To covert to seconds (because Hertz is a measure of wavelength, a vibration at so many cycles per second) we need to multiply this by...
24 (hours in a  day), 60 (minutes in an hour) and 60 (seconds in a minute)
365.242190402 × 24 ×60 × 60 = 31,556,925.250732 seconds in a year EXACTLY. We divide this number into 1 to get the cycles per second (Hertz) and because the result is so small we need to raise it 32 octaves (double it 32 times) for it to be an audible frequency that humans can vibrate (there's that word again) or at least HEAR. The answer?

136.1022119026, the 32nd harmonic of 0.0000000317 (the quotient).

Ok. So that's how the figure is arrived at. For the purposes of this argument we will assume that this value represents ॐ expressed as a mathematical term because science deals only with quantifiable phenomena and not intangible mystical (dare I say it.... ) vibrations.

So what's this got to do with the New Age Healing theory of 432Hz tuning? (I am not going to go any further into the Illuminati Conspiracy Theory about the Nazis introducing the "evil" 440 Hz tuning standard that the World uses for 12-TET, aka Twelve-tone Equal Temperament, other than so it can be referred to here, later) Well....

Firstly, 136.1Hz doesn't represent a musical note. Well, not one that we recognise - it's somewhere between a C and a C#. By lowering the reference point of A from 440 to 432Hz, it equates to C# exactly, but only in 12-TET, the Western system. Remember, where talking about esoteric concepts here, and all Oriental music, all music in Nature, all Hindu, Spiritual, Sacred Hymns, Chants, (you get my drift) they all use unequal divisions of the Octave by implementing ratios of simple integers. All notes of the Pure Tuning scale (PT) are generated from (and multiples of) 1,2, and therefore 3,4, and 5. I refuse to credit this to the name of the Pythagoras, it originates from the Śulba Sutra written two centuries earlier by Baudhayana. The Vedic system is the well-known right angle triangle with sides of 3-4-5. Multiples of these create the Pure Tuning perfect major chord notes of C=256 E=320 G=384)  Without going into too much detail, a Major third is expressed as 5:4, a minor third as 6:5, a perfect fifth as 3:2 etc etc. Apart from the Octave, in the western 12-TET all of these notes are more or less out of tune, some as much as nearly a quarter of a semitone, or note; only the "perfect" fourth and fifth are 2% out, still not exact.

So what this means, is that in 12-TET the notes do not vibrate in synchronous resonance or harmonic frequency together. In fact the inharmonious clashing of unmatched-up wavelengths create an unpleasant effect called "beating", where the notes wobble out of phase with each other. AND THIS IS THE POINT I CAN'T STRESS ENOUGH.

When ratios are used to determine the intervals of where the notes are in a Pure Tuning or Just Intonation scale, all, and I mean ALL THE NOTES VIBRATE IN PERFECT HARMONY WITH EACH OTHER.

Surely if you advocate a tonal centre of pitch supposedly based on ॐ you would use the natural method of tuning and not Equal Temperament which is harsh and somewhat out of tune. I will now attempt to explain how this unfounded 432Hz theory falls apart and why we can still learn from it.

Using 136.1Hz as C# and the ratios to determine the value of A in Hertz, we find:
If C# is the Tonic, then A becomes the minor sixth (8:5) and A=435.52Hz not 432; and
If C# is the Major third, then calculating using A=432 (5:4) then C#=135Hz, not ॐ!
12-TET: A432 gives C513.74, not 512; hence C512 gives A430.5;
PT: A432 gives C518.4,  not 512; and similarly C512 gives A426.666
Totally disproving the "connection" of 256, 432 & 512 based on multiples of 8, the Earth's vibration  (actually 7.83Hz is the Schumann frequency) that adherents of the theory claim - regardless of the temperament used.

Clearly, you can't have it both ways. Resonance vs Beating! The whole argument is supposed to be about frequencies vibrating in harmony! (incidentally, "Amanda Bossman" uses their invention "Harmonic Equal Temperament" which is nothing other than than fudged numbers - the previous calculation inconveniently  yields the awkward value of 256.9Hz for C which is secretly rounded down without being disclosed)

Curiously however, I did manage to find a "Indian 22 Shrutis" Gandhar or Samvadini  method in a totally new (not C=256) 240Hz tuning here which  incorporates the most features without compromise - and importantly, doesn't need to resort to the western 12-TET system in order to "work", as the 432ers do. Without dispensing of 256 and 432, it uses what we know of as a 'B' but calling it a C at 240Hz instead, and generates the scale from there. 256Hz now becomes the second note C# and 432Hz is now A#. It approximates the ॐ as 135, it's only real shortfall if you're hung up on 136.10 being its "real value". Given the all-encompassing nature of Om I would've thought it can be chanted at any frequency with full benefit, but that doesn't sell tuning forks!

So there you have it! In a nutshell, whoever came up with the 136.1/432 idea was probably using Western 12-TET, sitting at either a keyboard instrument or a computer keyboard, trying to use the "magic" of numbers without realising (or deliberately covering up) that the contrary systems cancel each other out. Of course, by all means all musicians can tune however they want, but 432ers who believe they are harnessing cosmic energy through the magic power of numbers whilst simultaneously clashing frequencies with Equal Temperament should understand that they are fooling themselves. And probably a lot of gullible New Age "groupies" as well.

I think 'Bogdan' sums it up very well in their April 7th 2014 comment here at
"Only after having a pure tuning system that can support resonance and is in tune with the nature and the universe, only then we can talk about a "standard frequency" for the fundamental tone. Until then, as long as we're still using equal temperament, all the claims about the divinity of 432 Hz are left-brain fantasies. All we do know, through the observations made by Maria Renold using acoustic instruments, is that lowering the standard frequency a few Hertz WHILE CHANGING THE TUNING SYSTEM to other than equal temperament has certain effects, which we all can notice.

More info: at here
-and: here

Part 3: The 432Hz tuning theory

The 432Hz Tuning Theory Part 3.

[# it's worth noting from the outset: the only scale you'll find that has C=256Hz and A=432Hz is PYTHAGOREAN - and virtually NO-ONE uses that temperament now, not even New Age 432ers!]

This is hopefully my last post on the controversial "432Hz tuning system"...  or maybe there should be a fifth, and a flat seventh. I'm no bliss ninny, and I feel I've wasted more time and energy than this fallacy warranted. The pics in Part 2 show non-ET fretting for scales (shall we say 'rational'?) based on ratios, in an attempt to get closer to true notes, to avoid the compromises in equitempered scales with their harmonically sharp and flat 2nds, 3rds, 6ths and 7ths. I kinda feel this may be missing the point - if you want to play pure ratio music, why not use simpler design for an eloquently simple system - but I understand some musicians have the talent and the brainpower to revel in this sort of thing!

 (and so, thus far..  ..mathematically how it just doesn't add up; how merely shifting the pitch from A=440 to 432 achieves little as it retains the inherent out-of-tuneness of ET; how C=256Hz gives an A of 430.5 or 426.6 depending on which temperament is used; etc... I've covered all that, about how it partially works with Pythagorean Temperament, keeping 256 and 432 but losing the 'Om' C# 136.1; and anyway which can't be played on modern instruments fixed to ET without a massive rebuild and/or retune, such as flute, clarinet, saxophone, xylophone, keyboards and fretted string istruments - but what gets me peeved most of all is that the Charlatan who claims to have "invented 432" not only shamelessly uses an undisclosed version of ET (where the numbers mysteriously add up without explaining how) under the guise of the otherwise non-existent q.v. "harmonic equal tempered tuning" which, if it exists at all, is probably just modified to make the numbers work and has no provable basis in musicality. It is one of the many "Golden Elements" they claim to be in tune with, empowered by, and able to harness. One last thing about this Shamanic Trance Music Con-Person Amanda Bossman or whatever... among their many "attributes" listed on their website is Semantic Artist - in other words, a word juggler (read: bullshit artist).... Aha! Something without inconsistencies! You could visit any of their many sites for a good chuckle - some of the creative jargon (read: invented terminology) for New Age techniques and their 'mastery' of various forms of "scientific mysticism" are extraordinary fabrications. Pages and pages of esoteric potpourri but unlike any other website about temperament which always presents detailed information, these sites waffle on without one single chart or descriptive break-down of the scale, showing formulae of how it's calculated)

But to go out on a positive - from what I have learnt about ratios, shrutis and pure tuning from my lifelong interest in classical Indian music, also bhajans and kirtans, and most recently at the many sensible, rational, non-New Age musician's sites while doing this research, I now feel even stronger about avoiding when I can, the impure notes of equal temperament in melody, whether singing or playing an instrument capable of microtones - to find more expression through beautifully harmonious note couplings - especially the 3rd/5th and 5th/b7th with 15 cents increase from the normal 300 in ET. So pure, so powerful! If you don't play guitar yourself, see if you can get a musician friend to try this out and show you.

I first learnt this decades ago, but only now the exact values. It's not an invention- the classical 'Indian' tuning based on harmonic ratios that are real was historically used and still is to this day since before modern tuning was invented and widely adopted. You can do this on any guitar with open pure tuning and barre the chords, but I mainly use it with slide guitar, playing just the top two strings, with a partial open tuning that's a quick and easy variation from regular EADGBE. Tune the B 13.7 cents flat (the Waves app has optional markers on the tuning guage for it), making it a perfect major third (I'll explain later) and the E next to it down to a D 2 cents sharp, a perfect fifth. This D in the partial G open tuning is now a Perfect Fifth because the fifth in standard Equal Temperament is actually 2 cents flat of the natural harmonic note. Ignoring the lower E and A strings (you can always tune them to D and G if you want to barre 6-note chords ie. DGDGBD) you can now easily play a Perfect Major chord across the top four strings.

So why the B @ 13.7 cents flat? Because it's making a major third interval that is Perfect, unlike the ET third which "beats" because it is 13.7% out of tune (sharp). If you don't understand that last part of the sentence, just go with this for the time being or go to wikipedia. You now have, in order across the strings, D-G-B-D making a Perfect Major chord starting from the extra bass note (a fifth). Barre it across the twelfth fret with the slide, gracing up from just below the fret. It will sound terrible at first until you get it right over the fret and BLAM! Isn't that just the most beautiful chord you've ever heard?

Part of this is from the extra harmonics let through by the use of slide, especially at the octave where they are the strongest. Normally, fingering a barre chord there will bar the harmonics (pun intended) from resonating, cutting them off. Here, they are not only let through under the slide because of the light pressure, but with the perfect tonic, third and fifth all resonating purely together, there is nil beating. None, zero, zilch, diddely-squat, sweet FA. Perhaps the only time most people have ever heard anything like it would be hymns sung by monastic choirs (without the pipe organ) in an abbey; any good Barbershop Quartet; or at least modern a cappella groups. Singers in such scenarios naturally gravitate towards notes that fully resonate with each other when free from the dictated pitch of an instrument.

Now the best bit.. just using the top unwound strings at the 12th fret, what you've got right there is a B4 and a D4, the third and fifth of Gmajor, 3 semitones apart, but unlike there being the usual 300 cents between them as in ET, with this Pure Tuning it's more like 315, what it should be for a Perfect Major Chord. And when you slide it up 3 frets, you've got a fifth and a flat seventh, also 3 semitones but 315 cents apart instead of 300 ET. You need to play this slightly sharper (above the fret) to get it right because of the flatter B string. But listen to that power! It oozes out naturally because to get that sort of interval, first of all, you can't use EADGBE (there's no minor third between the strings needed for both previous intervals) and even if you did, you'd have to play the slide diagonally to change 300 to 315. I repeat, If you don't play guitar yourself, see if you can get a musician friend to try this out and show you. It has to be heard to be believed!

What's this got to do with A=432Hz? Sweet FA, zilch, zip, nil, NOTHING! Because it sounds so good regardless of what pitch it's played in. To say 440Hz makes you ill and 432Hz is better is about as silly as saying music sounds better or worse in certain keys, like D# is really "gay", or Gb is '"stupid".

The vibe of music is all about the performers' consciousness - their expression, frame of mind, heart, mood, and hey, even their state of health. To say that A=432Hz promotes Universal Harmony because it contains ॐ=C#=136.1Hz is just fodder for gullible bliss ninnies who also believe that unicorns fart rainbow glitter. No-one can put a label on the Absolute Truth by designating a specific frequency. That is absurd and totally contradictory to the transcendence of the Supreme Whole that Om represents. The sacred syllable ॐ not only encompasses all vibrational frequencies, it simultaneously represents them and eludes confinement to any one level or note. 

All types of people enjoy music - whether they be religious, agnostic, or atheists. Everyone is free to listen to whatever suits their tastes, and I really don't have a problem with that although at times I sound like a zealot. What irks me though is when self-glorifying New Age Charlatans pimp the music scene with their branded 'spirituality', preying on the gullible bliss ninnies that maintain this pollyanna industry.

For those seriously interested in becoming 'spiritually charged', ie. closer to the Supreme Lord, there are authorised processes which involve spiritual activities and producing vibrations, such as chanting the Lord's Holy Name , prayer and meditation, reading and reciting scripture, singing songs of praise, etc. One cannot obtain the Lord's mercy simply by dialling up some frequency on a machine. It takes work and a loving attitude. God is not a menial order-carrier who can be controlled by a proclaimed mastery of any 'spiritual powers' or mystic opulence. Those rascals who promote themselves as Seers and Masters whilst charging a price are simply engaged in manipulating material energy for some personal benefit under the guise of 'spirituality'.   

Musical temperaments

The Tromlitz flute, invented in 1785 preceded the saxophone by 55 years and was the first flute to be able to play all major and minor semitones of 5 and 4 commas, meaning it had no limitations playing all the different flats and sharps in the 24-note octave of, say, Just Intonation. For instance, Mozart wrote his flute pieces using different values for sharps and flats (as everyone did, that's all that was known at the time). A good flautist was adept at playing them fluently, and an average player failed to discriminate, thus rendering the compositions weak and insipid, devoid of the true tonal colourings the Master intended. Not that I like much classical music. But they're now saying it sounds crap unless it is performed using the temperament of the period it was composed in. Makes sense.

In the 19th century most contemporary musicians and composers were moving from various meantone eg ¼comma to well-temperaments like Werckmeister and Kirnberger, but still the different size semitones were still indispensable for playing pure thirds etc. Many people don't realise or are mistaken in thinking that Equal Temperament was widespread at the time. As far as pianos go, it was in fact Quasi-equal temperament because until 1917 there hadn't been a foolproof method for tuning ET - other than fretted instruments, which to this day still approximate the ancient "Rule of 18" to position the frets. (27" scale, ÷ 18 = first fret 1½" from the nut, therefore 2nd fret is 25.5"÷18 = 1.41666666" etc. The Indians and the Chinese have been doing it this way since the year dot)

So my question is, like the Tromlitz flute, do saxophones have special fingerings for small and large semitones to accommodate sharps (which are slightly flatter) and flats (which are slightly sharper), as in G# Ab, or is all this adjusted randomly by embouchure? (before I lost my right index finger, when I played the flute I used the simpler, slightly off-key incorrect fingering to play E, the same as Ian Anderson. According to his website, he was corrected later in his career by his daughter!)

So I'm assuming that the Saxophone, like most instruments made before the 20th Century, were not crafted to play in Equal Temperament. Even early keyboards had split black keys for playing either sharps or flats, and were tuned with temperaments that didn't facilitate modulation to all keys.
Man, I dig those pure thirds! If I put my keyboard in Equal Temperament it lasts about 15 seconds before I switch it back. My default is to Kirnberger III for modern music requiring the usual amount of modulation but for anything that only uses the 8 pure majors I absolutely love ¼comma meantone (Eb, Bb, F, C, G, D, A, and E, all major chords). Only rarely do I notice the narrow fifths of about 4 or 5 cents. It doesn't seem to bug me, but I can no longer stand the impure major third of Equal Temperament which is a whopping 13.7 cents sharp. It's about as pretty as a hat full of arseholes.

Saturday, May 09, 2015

History of Mankind

I still remember my first history lesson in Secondary School over 40 years ago. The teacher's name was Miss Blount – an eloquent, tall, slim young woman with short mouse-blonde hair. We were taught that the "Cradle of Civilisation" was Mesopotamia, the area around the Euphrates and Tigris Rivers, which equates to modern day Iraq, or the biblical Babylon, or something like that. 

Not that she was deliberately lying or anything, she was just doing her job. Somehow, either instinctively or intuitively, I 'knew' this information was wrong.  I don't know why or how I knew this, I just knew. It turns out that European scholars had connected the dots as if using chinese whispers to come up with a 'version' of history that promoted their Eurocentric 'Christian' view of the World. They purposely advanced by several millennia the dating of the Vedas and fabricated a mythical 'Aryan Invasion' to make everything synchronize with The Flood to fit in with their narrow-minded theology...  to quote:

 “The Aryan invasion theory thus turned the "Vedas", the original scriptures of ancient India and the Indo-Aryans, into little more than primitive poems of uncivilized plunderers. This idea - totally foreign to the history of India, whether north or south - has become almost an unquestioned truth in the interpretation of ancient history. Today, after nearly all the reasons for its supposed validity have been refuted, even major Western scholars are at last beginning to call it in question.”

The familiar saying "a little learning is a dangerous thing" could never be more applicable in this instance. 

Protoplasmic Crud by Michael Cassidy